Sexy Beast

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Eve sat on the couch, eating cereal, and waiting for her brother and Creek to finish with their shower. After some time she heard the water stop, her brother and creek talking, and then creek walked out wearing her underwear and bra, and carrying her clothes.

Creek froze when she saw Eve, who just smiled and waved at her, before continuing her walk to Manfred's room. Eve gets up from her seat and walks to her brother, and leaned against the door frame.

"You know, you should really lock the door i almost walked in on you and Creek." But Manfred didn't respond just looked at his phone. She looked over his shoulder and saw that there were many voicemails and all of them left by Hightower.

"It's not going to stop, Eve." He turned to her. "It's not going to until he has my head."

Eve looked at her brother and sighed,"Alright, get dressed and we'll discuss this in the Rv with grandma." She then left and waited for her brother in the Rv. As she sits down, Xylda appears next to her. A little while later Manfred joins and sits across from them.

Manfred takes some pills before saying, "I'm not sure moving here was a smart play."

"I thought you liked it. I've been seeing that cute waitress drop by." Xylda joked.

"The online-psychic thing is fine, but I need to make some serious money.

Hightower's not letting up." He stated

"Well, how about your old clients?" Xylda asked.

Eve smiled and said," Yeah, i bet all those rich widows would love a little one-on-one with "The Great Manfredo."

"I doubt Bitzi Van Der Huff's gonna drive five hours to chat with her favorite dead husband in a crappy RV."

Xylda looked at the Rv with a hurtful look on her face from what Manfred had said.

"You know what I'm A-list clients expect a certain level of pomp and circumstance Nice hotels, stocked mini them feel they're getting their money's worth." He explained

"Don't fret, Manny. I got a feeling your luck's gonna change real soon." Xylda said hopefully

"It better." Manfred then grabbed his pills and took some more.

"That ain't gonna help." Xylda said with some worry for her grandson.

"Actually, it does. You didn't hear Hightower's latest message." Manfred grabbed his phone and played a voicemail from Hightower.

An eerie tune started to play and then a voice saying,"You remember that tune? It'll be the last thing you hear before I-"

Manfred cut off the voicemail,"He wants my heart stopped, on a platter."

"Manny." Eve said while her grandmother said, "Stop it."

"Hightower's old school. I'm worried this isn't just about money. He wants his pound of flesh."

"You settle this debt, he'll calm down." Xylda tried to erasure hm.

"And even is you can't, hey you got me." Eve added

"Yeah, easier said than-" Manfred was interrupted by pounding on the door. He walked to the door with caution, when he opened it there was a woman.

"You the psychic?" She asked

"Depends who's asking."

"The guy at the pawnshop said you're the real deal. I need to find my brother. Not sure I believe in all this, but I got to try something." She answered Manfred

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