Lemuel, unchained

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Eve was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer, and reading a book. It was late at night when her brother and his "girlfriend" had decided to have a little rendezvous in his bedroom. Eve looked up from her book and saw Creek leaving her brother's room.

"Hey." Eve greeted. Creek then yelped a little in surprise letting Eve know that she didn't see her.

"Sorry, I just, I didn't see you there." Creek stumbled

Eve smiled, "It's fine, not the first time it's happened."

"So how long have you been there?"

"Oh, not long. I just got here a few minutes ago." Eve paused before saying, "'Oh, Manfred. Oh, yeah.'"

Creek's face then became full of embarrassment at what she had just heard, and this made Eve laugh.

"Relax Creek, I'm just messing with you."

Creek sighed in somewhat relief, "Okay, I'll see you later." She then continued her walk to the door, Eve got up from her seat and met Creek at the door.

"You know I could use a walk, maybe I can walk you home and then just walk around town for a bit."

"Sure, that's fine. Midnight can get pretty scary at night."

The two then left the house and Eve closed the door behind them.

"So how did you end up with Manfred?" Creek asked

"I ran away from home when I was a kid, lived on the streets for a few, Xylda found and took me in, and not long after that Manny joined us, and the rest is history," Eve answered

As the two passed the pawn shop they heard a whistle. Creek dismissed the noise and quickened her pace. Then her phone chimed and she saw a new message from Manfred. Eve, on the other hand, was on high alert and knew that something evil was near. The two then noticed a man walking towards them.

"Hello to you, baby doll." The man said as he came closer. Eve and Creek were able to make out the features of a native American man with long hair, "What are you doing all alone, sweetness?"

"Walking home." Creek answered as she took a step back, "and if I'm not there in three minutes, people are gonna come looking for me."

"Ah, is that so?" The man asked

"I'm not scared of you." Creek said

"Oh, really? How about now?"

the man opened his mouth to reveal his fangs and then grabbed Creek by the neck, making her Scream. Eve's eyes then turned purple and she punched the vampire with a right hook to the jaw, the man flung a few feet landing in the street, Lem then stood next to the girls.

After seeing what was going on, Lem then went after the vampire, grabbed him by the collar, barred his fangs, and ready to kill but he stopped as he got a closer look of the vampire's face, "Zachariah?"

"Lem." The man replied smiling, "it's been a long time."

It seems that Lem was not the only Midnighter to hear Creel's screams.

Manfred came running up to his sister and creek, and asked, "What happened."

"Nothing. I'm fine." Creek said trying to reassure him.

"Well, besides the obvious," Eve gestured to the vampire," but yeah we're fine."

"You don't seem fine," the Rev said coming to a stop next to Eve

"You look scared," Bobo said standing next to them.

"Didn't mean to scare anyone." He said

"What did you do to her?" Manfred questioning him about Creek.

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