Riders on the storm

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A few days had passed since the faceless demon fiasco when Eve had gotten a text from her brother saying that Joe is back and he wants to meet with us. She left Emilio's house and headed for the tattoo shop, and but when she arrived at the shop Manfred was already there, and when she saw Joe she welcomes him back to Midnight. They catch him up to speed on all that has occurred in his absence, starting with the faceless demon.

"He said the demon was gonna rise..That by offering a truckload of dead bodies, it would usher in the beginning of the end." Manfred informed Joe.

"I know, and I'm not surprised.The death and violence that's come to Midnight all precursors of the veil breaking." He said

"What was it like last time?" Manfred asked

"I wasn't here when it first opened." He sighed," Bowie and I came later. By then, it was a war zone. Demons were everywhere, spreading death and suffering."

"Sounds like your everyday apocalypse." Eve stated,

"Well, yeah. It is.Starts with your typical apocalyptic weather events, this world reacting to the veil fraying." Joe said

"What do you know about this demon? Colconnar?" Manfred asked as he stares at Joe's painting depicting the apocalypse.

"I wasn't on a first name basis with the demons.I was just trying to kill as many as I could get my hands---" Joe was interrupted by a female voice from outside. They move to the window and saw it was Fiji in the middle of the street.

"I won't go with him! I'll never go with him! Leave me alone! I won't go with him! I'll never go with him!"she

shouted at the top of her lungs but there was no one out there with her.

"Who's she talking to?" Joe questions.

Manfred, Eve and Joe exit the shop to investigate.

As they slowly approach her, Manfred asks,"Fiji, you okay?" Bobo joins them soon thereafter.

But she doesn't hear them and continues to shout at the non-existent person, "Leave me alone. I won't go with him. I'll never go with him."

"Fiji, wake...wake up." Manfred said to her.

"Don't say that! That's not true! I don't!"Fiji says as she suddenly projects fire from her hands in Manfred, Eve, Bobo, and Joe's direction. Lem then arrives, to de-escalate the situation, and leeches Fiji to a point of conciseness.

Bobo came running up and gently takes her from Lem,"Fiji! Fiji? Fiji? You all right?" She awakens in his arms, frightened and confused, and sees people around her.

"Were you sleep walking?" Manfred asked her as he approached.

"No." she shook her head," No, it was real.He was real."

Bobo, Manfred, Eve and Creek, who have woken up from the commotion, helped Fiji inside while Lem and Joe stayed outside.

"So, this man you saw in your dream..." Eve started.

"Colconnar sent him." Fiji confirmed.

"Well, maybe it was just a nightmare," Creek argues.

"I wish," Bobo begs to differ.

Manfred took a breath before he walked closer to her, "While, you were sleepwalking, you kept yelling 'stop saying that'. Stop saying what?"

Fiji shook her head and said, "He said I'd give myself to Colconnar."

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