Chapter 8

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The chirping of the birds and the sunlight streaming through the curtains announced the morning arrival. Putting a pillow on my head, I tried to block the sunlight and the bird's voices, aiming for a little more sleep. It felt like I only had a five minutes sleep. My aim soon came crumbling down when Manahil barged into the room scolding me to get up.

"Come on, Aleyha. Get up. Zoha would be here anytime. All the adults have gone to take her"

My ears perked up at this, throwing away the blanket, I rushed to my room as I had slept in nanna's room last night. I missed Zoha very much especially yesterday. I wanted to share everything with her but I will not tell her anything today, I don't want to upset her. It was her valima today and I didn't want her to worry.

Looking in the mirror, I saw that my eyes were swollen and dark circle underneath them. And my honey-brown waist-length hairs were a mess. Sighing, I performed my daily routine and started getting ready. I was excited to see Zoha today. It was only one day that she left and I was already missing her.

It was a ritual in our family that the bride's family takes Nashta (breakfast) and have it with the groom's family and then bring the bride home for the day.

Opting for my black frock with churidar pyjama, I changed into it. Putting on some mascara with nude pink lipstick, this time I used some concealer to cover my dark circles. Descending the stairs, I noticed all the girls decorating the entrance with diye and flower petals, moving towards them, I too helped them.

Looking around, I was not able to spot Wali anywhere. He must have gone with all the adults, I thought. It's good, I wouldn't have to face him.

Why am I even thinking about him?

Shaking my head I concentrated on lightening up the diyas. We were almost done when I heard baba's car horn. Knowing they were here, I squealed and hurried towards the door. Picking up the plate filled with flower petals on my way. As soon as the door opened, I threw the flowers all at once on the person coming in thinking that it must be Zoha. I realized my stupid move when I saw the person that entered first and it was none other than Ahmed.

What was he doing here?

I bit my lips when I realized what I've done. I gave him an apologetic smile which he returned with one of his charming smiles. Glancing behind him, I looked for Zoha instead my eyes met Wali's who was intensely looking at me, his jaw locked and posture stiff.

What was his problem? I huffed.

Averting my eyes, I scolded myself for again thinking about him and looked around for Zoha. She was standing beside mamu jan. My lips stretched into a grin and I hastened towards her, hugging her tightly.

Realizing that she was almost out of breath I let her go, "I missed you" I said with misty eyes.

"I missed you too" she replied, her eyes too became teary.

"Oh come on girls, stop this emotional drama and come in," Laiba baji said, dragging us inside.

After meeting everyone, Zoha and all of us settled in the living room. Looking around the living room, where all of my family was sitting, gossiping about stupid things, teasing and mocking each other, my heart swelled with joy, and a huge smile graced my face. I wanted to forget everything about yesterday and just enjoy with all of my family today.

Zoha's voice brought me back from my thoughts, "Aleyha, listen, I totally forgot. There are some clothes and some important things of mine in my room in a bag, can you bring it down and gave it to Ahmed. I forgot that bag here. He accompanied me so that he can take my things back" she requested.

Nodding, I sprinted upstairs to her room. Searching for the bag, I found it on the other side of the bed. Picking it up, I hurried back down.

Ahmed was still standing near the entrance, I walked towards him.

"Don't tell me you've been standing here all along?" I asked, my eyes widen.

"Uh... yeah...kind of" he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry, Ahmed. We were so involved with Zoha, that we forgot you were here too. I am so sorry" I apologized, scowling at our manners.

"No, it's okay, really. Bhabhi said about some that the one" he asked, pointing at the bag in my hand.

"Oh, yeah,"

Giving him the bag, I noticed his face. His side of the jaw was purple now.

Yesterday's event came rushing back, in my happiness, I forgot all about it.

"And...Ahmed...listen, I am also sorry for...uh... Wali's behaviour yesterday. He just got the wrong idea" I told him, fidgeting with my hands.

My cheeks burn in embarrassment.

"Aleyha, trust me, it's okay. Anyone who would have seen the situation we were in, would have gotten a wrong idea" he assured me.

"Thank you so much, Ahmed, for understanding" I smiled gratefully at him.

After he left, I moved back towards the living room. Informing Zoha that her work was done, I sat beside her.

"Laiba who is making chai?" mumani jan asked.

"Oh, I almost forgot about it. I'll go and make it" baji was about to get up when her three years old daughter, Mahnoor, refused to let her go.

"Baji, you stay with her. I'll make it" I told her and went towards the kitchen.

I felt like someone was watching me.

Putting water in the kettle, I added sugar and tea leaves in it and waited for it to get boiled while putting the milk on the other stove for warming it. Taking out the tea in cups, I added milk in them, making sure not to add too much or too less milk otherwise I surely will get a lecture on what will I do in my 'susral' after marriage, I rolled my eyes at that thought.

Setting the cups in a tray, I turned to leave but came to an abrupt halt seeing the person standing in front of me. Sidestepping him, I tried to leave but he did the same, blocking the door.

Moving to the other side, I tried to move out but he again blocked it.

"What do you want Wali?" I asked, exasperated.

"I want to talk to you" he stated, his voice monotonous.

"I am busy, can't you see. Move. It's heavy" I gritted my teeth, holding the tray tighter.

He moved forward to take the tray from me but I stepped back.

"Ale, give it to me if its heavy, I will carry it to the room" his lips thinned and forehead puckered. I observed his expressions. 

As if he cares!

"Thank you so much for your concern, Mr Wali..." I taunted, giving him my best-mocking smile "...but let me tell you something. I have learned to carry my things by myself since you left. I, no longer depend on anyone else now. You never know when they get tired of you and leave for something offered better," I told him, my face stoic and my voice devoid of any emotion, and moved towards the living room, thanking God that he didn't stop me otherwise I would have broken down into tears.


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