Chapter 15

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Dear Wali....

No, would it be too cheesy?

Hi, Wali...

You are not texting him Aleyha. You are writing a letter for god sake.

I should start it directly.

Wali, I didn't know...

Ughhhhhh! Noooo!

What to write?

I threw the paper away.

Closing my eyes, I bit the end of my pen. It was a habit of mine whenever I think. Wali's image played all over the curtains of my eyes. All the memories of us together, the way he takes care of me, his protectiveness, his gentleness and everything. A smile graced my face. I know what to write. I took a deep breath and poured my heart out on the piece of the paper.

Dear Wali,

You have been my best friend even before I knew what friendship really meant. Whenever I think about you, about us, about the way we were before you left, I feel so surreal. I don't remember a time where we were separated. You were always there for me. We had made so many memories together...our late night talks, our late night outings, our birthdays( more particularly my birthday because you've never let me celebrate yours and I still don't like that thing), and the times when I always force you to watch Barbie movies with me(for which I am not sorry), I remember those times vividly. Those are the memories I will cherish forever.

You have always taken care of me, fulfilling all my demands and my wishes. I know my stubborn-self have annoyed you, irritated you many times but you always had enough patience for me. There were times when I got annoyed over your over-protectiveness but later, I always realize that whatever you did was good for me and I am grateful to you for that. I know we have faced many hardships in our relationship, there were many misunderstandings but I want to look beyond all of that. I don't know- When? Where? How? In this journey of ours, I have fallen in love with you. I just know that this feeling was always there, even when I didn't know what this feeling was. I didn't realize that one day you'll be more than a best friend to me and I'll be confessing my love to you like this. But now, I can't imagine my life without you. I want to spend every second of my upcoming life with you.

I know, right now you are mad at me. I am sorry, I ignored you that day. It was all because of this. The night before, you were here with me. Even though you were tired, you came on my one call. At that time, I wanted to rid away all your worries and tiredness. I wanted to provide you with comfort. With all of the feelings I was encountering, I realized that I still love you. I have never moved on. I just needed some space to understand what I really wanted and I reached this conclusion that what I really want is... You -beside me, in my life. I am sorry, I made you worried that day...I really am. Hope you will forgive me.

I know Mumani jan or Zoha would have talked to you about our marriage till now or will be talking to you. I just wanted you to know that I am willing to take a step forward with you and I am sure you would be happy to hear this.

With love,


Finally, done. I re-read the letter, again and again. My cheeks heated up, every time I read it. It feels so weird writing all of my thoughts on a paper like this. Thinking about it and confessing it in your heart is something different but writing it all down, it felt so- I don't know how to describe it. I have never shared my feelings for Wali in this depth with anyone, even with Zoha.

This was all Zoha's plan. She wanted me to confess my feelings to Wali and tell him all about that day so that his anger would subside and when she'll talk to Mumani jan and Wali about our marriage, he would know that I am willing. Otherwise, he would never listen to her, unless and until he knew what I wanted. She wanted me to confess all of this to Wali, face to face. I told her that I could never do that, at which she took a very deep breath, probably to calm herself, telling me that she was only tolerating me because- she also don't know why.

It has always been you!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum