The Handsome Boy

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3years latter

(I know this is bruce from gotham but I am a big fan so just use him for the younger version.)

Dawn quickly became friends with her roommates. They would always stay up past bed time and talk about boys, clothes and the latest gossip at Lady Clarions Academy or as they would call it  LCA. 

"Fine I admit it Thomas is drop-dead gorgeous" Nadia Rose sighed as she sat on her bed. 

"Look guys even though we talk about guys we can't fall in love now. I still think that we are to young." Dawn tried reason to the girls.

"Says the one who has  Thomas for a partner in almost every class." Eliza smirked. A light blush appeared on Dawn's cheeks. "Look  yes he does sit next to me but he doesn't even pay any attention to me at all. And why would Thomas pick me if he could have any girl he wanted in this school. And he has no time for girls. He's to focused on school and being the smartest in class."

"I can't believe how blind you are. And the school year is almost over so you should get out of your shell and talk to him. Plus you'll be here for the holidays like you usually are right."

"Lets hope so. It's eight we should get to bed before we get into trouble for being so loud." Dawn replied to Nadia Rose's comment as they all started to change into their p.js. Dawn plaited her not so curly hair as it was starting to become strait. What did boarding school have for her tomorrow? After tying her hair Dawn slipped into bed, bid the girls goodnight and went to sleep

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