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 For the first few days Dawn ignored Klaus' attempts at talking to her. So when Klaus saw that his efforts weren't producing anything he gave up and started focusing on Hope like he had done all these years. Somehow this helped Dawn. She was able to work on her spells and potions. She was trying to figure out a spell slowly going over each word in latin when she heard a cry of pain downstairs. She stopped and the cry stopped. Dawn thought nothing of and continued chanting the spell fully but the cry continued and there were people yelling. Dawn immediately closed her grandmother's grimoire, threw open her door and ran downstairs to see everyone crowded around a woman with fair skin, brown hair and brownish-green eyes. She had pain written all over her face and from the way she was gripping Kol's arm which was supporting her Dawn could tell that something was going on between them.  Dawn  suddenly got an idea. She remembered the spell she was chanting upstairs. Slowly under her breath Dawn began to murmur the spell and watched as the woman on the floor started to scream in pain again. 

"It' magic" She screamed out while crying in pain, "But I can't sense a witch anywhere. Everything's normal." 

"Davina,how is it possible that you can sense magic but not the witch casting it." Kol asked with worry evident in his voice. To his response the women on the floor known as Davina now screamed with more pain as she slowly got weaker. "Her heartbeat is slowing down" Rebekah stated. When Dawn heard this she stopped chanting the spell. Davina stopped screaming and started catching her breath as Kol lifted her bridal style and laid her on the couch then he told Rebekah to get a glass of water.

Dawn decided to leave the scene and retire to her bedroom for a couple of hours.

Few Hours Later. 

Dawn came down to lunch perfectly on time and entered the dinning room where everyone was getting ready for lunch and preparing the table. She  entered the room and sat at her usual spot next to Hayley. Dawn saw Davina laughing at something Kol said and decided to finely speak up. 

"So you must be Davina right"Dawn questioned her "Yes " Davina answered her. Then Dawn thought of something else to ask her. "What are you Davina. You aren't a werewolf or a vampire. Nor are you a hybrid. So what are you" Kol growled at Dawn " Dawn you know better. Apolagize right now or else-

"Or else you'll what Uncle Kol. Davina has a mouth doesn't she. Let her talk for herself. After all it's just a harmless question." Dawn interrupted Kol. Kol was about to stand when Davina said" I'm a witch" to break the tension. Dawn smiled and said "See that wasn't so hard right." Then she took one bite of her lunch and stood up from her chair. Before she left she said over her shoulder" It's good to see there is someone to keep Uncle Kol from ripping everything apart. And even better Mom and Hope aren't the only people in this place with common sense anymore. So nice to meet you Davina." As Dawn walked away she heard Hayley say "Davina that's a really good sign. She likes you." 

"Really?" Davina asked. "She does like you" Dawn heard Hope say.  She couldn't really understand what they were saying in the dinning room now as she walked upstairs to her bedroom to practice some more spells.

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