CHAP.21: The Curtain Rises

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  We arrived at the gala and parked in the back. Once coming into the back, we spotted the  magicians immediately. We knocked them on the head and dragged them into the back of the stage before storing them in a large chest. I laughed when we didn't get caught. Sometimes people were just so stupid and dumb I would find it absolutely hilarious. We walked into the back of the stage were we found this old lady who was in charge of entertainment. I went to look at myself in the mirror to check everything was good with my make up. It was a little smudged from kissing Jerome but other than that I was good. 

  I saw Jerome come up behind me in the mirror and place his hands on my shoulders. He had his black mask on and smiled beneath his beard. 

  "Excited?" He asks. I smile and nod. 

  "More than ever." I tell him. "Although, I guess I'm a bit nervous." 

  "Ahh, stage fright." He says then leans in close. "Just remember, there all gonna die anyway when we have Gotham in our grasp." I smile and turn around to peck him on the lips. 

 "You always know how to make me feel better." I say. 

  "Anything for you, Grey." 

                                                 |TIME SKIP| 

  Our time was coming up. That feeling in my gut was getting stronger to a point it was almost painful. I just ignored it. This would all be over with in moments. Then Theo would have his hero thing and Jerome and I could...well, you know. I shake my head, putting my head on the game. That is when I hear a voice from in front of us, hidden behind the large red curtain. 

  "Over the years." I hear a women say. "We've had magicians come and entertain our children." I smile, my cheeks hurting from how wide I was smiling. Jerome had already left to go to his spot behind the box and I looked at Barbra on the other side of the stage. I winked at her. She smiled at me. I listened.

  "And tonight, we have on our own magicians here for you." I shift, coming to the end of the curtain while Barbra went on the other. "Without further a do." I grin. "Please allow me to present to you, The Great Rodolfo!" Here we go. Everyone starts to clap and both me and Barbra walk onto the stage, making our way to the big blue and yellow box. The light shines to us and we move our arms to present the box with wide smiles. Barbra the opens one side of the door while I open the other. We smile at the crowd and they look in confusion. Idiots. We both then look inside and put hands on our mouths gasping then shake our heads. We close the doors. We put our hands to our chin before looking back at the doors and opening them with smiles. 

  Jerome stood there, pretending to yawn and just now see the crowd. He then walks out and lifts his hands up high in the air. The crowd gasps and claps. We all walk onto the large stage and Jerome comes to the front.  I keep a smile on my face even though I was dying with laughter inside. 

  "Greetings ladies and Germs!" Jerome yells as I follow Barbra to stand next to Jerome. "I am indeed the Great Rodolfo!" We then all bow and the crowd claps. He then jerks up and motions to us. 

  "And please meet the beautiful Miss Valentina!" He says and I curtsy. "And oogle my wonderful assistant." Barbra raises her hand up. Jerome whistles and laughs at us and we wave our hands at him while blowing kisses to the crowd. Jerome then takes a red handkerchief out of his suit pocket and holds it in his hand. Then he moves the top part and a rose suddenly appears. Damn, how does he do that? He hands it to me and I smile, smelling it before throwing it to the crowd. 

  Jerome then waves the red handkerchief around then pulls the top part away and a dove flies out. 

  "How the fuck..." I think. The dove flies above the crowd.  The music stops and out of the corner of my eye I see one of Theo's guys close the doors to the room. I smile wider. 

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