CHAP.42: Haircut

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  I had been here for about a two weeks now. No sign of Jerome. It had been getting to a point I was starting to doubt he was coming back here. The sadness had started to consume me but I refused for it to break me down.

  If Jerome was not coming back, he would want me to be the strong person I was and not wimp around. I would hold to my image. But that didn't mean I didn't still miss him. I did. Horribly.  

  I think I had gotten so used to this place I had mapped everything out in my head. I knew every room, every storage space, every office. I even knew where the nurses smoked and even how to get some. 

  Most people knew who I was and exactly what I was cable of so I didn't have many people to talk to. The only person that ever came up to talk was this girl named Liz. She was a perky girl who was only a year younger than me. She seemed like a nice enough person. You know, when she wasn't killing her ex-boyfriend.

  At breakfast I was served a plate of mush and I rose a brow to it in disgust. I sigh, walking to the cafeteria lunch table area and looking for a place to sit. All the tables looked very full and over crowded. I did spot at the end of a table in the back, part of the table was empty. 

  I make my way there and sit down, sighing as I pick at my mush. It looked like a mixture of what looked like oatmeal and vomit. I grimace at it before instead eating the small jello provided. Why give jello at breakfast? I had no idea. 

  As I pick at my food I suddenly feel someone walk up behind me. I lift my head when they stop behind me. I slowly turn around to find a large guy with blonde hair and pale brown eyes standing there, a snarl on his face. I raise a brow.

  "Can I help you?" I hiss. 

  "Your in my spot." He growls. I chuckle a bit.

  "Excuse me?" I say. He actually barks at me, looking like a foaming dog.

  "Your sitting in my spot!" He yells, suddenly throwing his tray onto the ground. Half of the cafeteria turns our way. He continues to glare at me. I narrow my eyes and rise slowly from my seat. Not to move, but to get closer to his face. I tilt my head. 

  "I didn't know there was a saving spots rule around here." I hiss. I then make a face of surprise, putting a hand to my cheek. "Oh that's right. Because there isn't one." He takes a step towards me menacingly. I had to look up at him but I didn't flinch once, looking him dead in the eye. He makes a noise of anger. 

  "Move out of my spot. Your little boyfriend isn't here to save you now." He snarls at me.

  "Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that." I suddenly hear from behind the guy and we both look. I feel my jaw drop. I saw who had spoke and I feel my breath hitch. 

  I saw none other than Jerome standing there, a wide smile on his face. His face had been stitched back in and I could see the scar forming over his entire face, the corners of his mouth lifting up to look like a smile. He had dark circles under his eyes. But I did not take notice to that. His hair is the first thing I laid my eyes on. Both sides of his hair had been shaved off, leaving only the top part there. Jerome continued smile.

  The man gasped a bit and took a small step back. Jerome raised his brows. 

  "Surprise." He says lowly. I was standing still, amazed at how perfect his timing was. The man gulped loudly. Jerome motions to me. 

  "I overheard you and Grace here talking about a spot at this lunch table here and I have to say, your not making a very good argument." He says, his eyes narrowing his eyes further. The man starts to shake a bit. 

  "I, uh, yeah. I was just...I'll let you have the spot." He says looking at me. Jerome smirks.

  "Good chap." He says, giving his shoulder a little pat. The man nods a bit before practically running away out of the cafeteria. Jerome shakes his head. 

  "Hmmm. Some people have no manners." He says before looking out at the cafeteria who's gaze was all on us. He growls a bit. 

  "What are you all looking at?" He shouts, lifting his hands in the air. Everyone scrambles to turn around and away from us. Jerome laughs before looking at me. I had watched the entire event with my jaw open and my eyes wide. He lifted his hands. 

  "Guess who's back?" He says. I stare at him for a moment longer before I lunge forward and grab his neck, pulling him close to me and bringing his lips to mine. He was taken aback for a second before he joins in, grabbing my hips and grinning as we kissed.

  I then pulled away, my arms still around his neck. I smile at him wide and he chuckles. 

  "We need to stop separating like this. I'm going threw withdraw." I tell him. 

  "I agree 100 percent." He growls. I look at his face. 

  "Wow...they did a really good job on your face." I tell him. He makes a face.

  "Really? I liked the stables." He says before running a finger over his scar. I laugh and we sit down, him sitting down next to me and peering at my lunch tray. I chuckle and take a spoonful, splattering it back down on the tray.

  "Yeah I don't think I'm gonna eat much of this stuff." I say and he nods, making a face of disgust towards the food before turning to me. I raise my fingers to hair and give a slight chuckle. 

  "Love the haircut." I say. He laughs and then brings his hand to it head. 

  "I thought a new look would sort of spruce up the new threads." He says, running his fingers over his white overall's. I laugh and can't help the smile of pure happiness come across my face. He notices and puts a hand around my waist.

  "Didn't know you'd be so happy to see me." He growls, putting his mouth to my ear. I look at him. 

  "How could I not?" I say like it was obvious. He gives a slight nod. 

  "Well...yeah." He says with a laugh. I kiss him cheek and he smirks. 

  I knew we were back at Arkham. I knew our plan failed. I knew it would probably be a while until we get out of here. But at the moment, I didn't care. I was just happy to be back with Jerome. 

grace under pressure • jerome valeskaWhere stories live. Discover now