CHAP.36: Wayne Manor

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  Jerome and I hijacked a nearby hotel. Anyone that was in there scrambled out fast and we took one of the more better rooms with nice sheets and fluffy pillows. I didn't think Jerome had fully seen the scars on my back before. He didn't care. He didn't care that I had the scars and for once, neither did I. 

   Jerome and I, after a very...heated session of something I would not care to mention, we rested for a bit before heading off and thought about where to go to next.

While in the the van, Jerome kept looking at me with an expression I could not exactly mention. Every now and then when we were turning a corner or would be slowing down, he would whisper a quick:

  "Your a natural by the way." Or. "You sure it was your first time?" I then would slap him playfully and blush madly. He then would laugh wildly. I didn't exactly hate the teasing. 

  When driving, an idea came to me and I gasped, jumping in my seat. Jerome swerved the wheel a bit, startled by my sudden act of yelling. He looked at me. 

  "What?" He says dramatically, copying the same manner I gasped in. I rolled my eyes before smiling wide, so much my cheeks strained. He rose a brow. "Wow. Quite the idea huh?" I nod in excitement. I create jazz hands in the air around my face. 

  "What is the last thing you remember doing before ya know, died." I say. He knits his brow for a moment before a low chuckle came from his gut and growled out of his throat. 

  "You Grey, are very very clever. Ooh it gives me chills!" He says then slams on the gas, hitting the wheel. 


                                    |TIME SKIP|

  Jerome and I stop by the warehouse and I rounded up most of our followers. We created a very very fun plan about how this night would go. We were going to go to Wayne Manor and give Brucey boy a little visit. We were going to kill him then celebrate at this little circus near the edge of Gotham. Over run with people from our cult of course. 

  We also changed our outfits. Jerome wearing a large straight jacket with connected pants and me wearing a tight purple dress with a poofy bottom, a matching bow around my neck as well as darker purple gloves. Also large combat boots that came to my knees. Of course. 

  It had been about four hours since Jerome and I blew the power plant and shut off Gotham's light supply. We knew Bruce would be at his little mansion on the hill with his butler in during the Blackout so right now, we were heading there with two cars behind us. 

  As we come up to the building, we make sure to park away just in case they had camera's outside. Once doing that, Jerome and I skip up to the back of the mansion. I snarl at the manor. I hated rich people with a burning passion. They were so privileged and they didn't even know it. 

  We stalk and enter threw the back kitchen door with our men. Suddenly, Jerome turned around and made a shhing motion at them with a crazed smile before turning back around so we can walk down the hall. 

  When we start to get towards the center of the building we started to hear voices. I turn to Jerome with a smirk. I gesture for our men to follow us and they trail behind us with guns. I turn a corner and saw a dim light coming from one of the rooms. I smile and Jerome chuckles lowly. 

  We start to come to the entrance and some of the men go around to the other doorway. I then get an idea. I stop with Jerome and pull out my phone, calling the Wayne Manor number that always seemed to pop up on T.V. I dial it and wait. I then hear the ringing from the room. I look at my men and nod. 

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