'Perfect' Love

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This was the day of the date. It was only 3, and Jimin was still working at his place. Meanwhile, Yoongi had some serious matters to take into his hands.

He was panting around the house thinking of what to do. This date was his first date with Jimin, meaning it had to be perfect.

Yoongi ended up dialing his really known, good friend - Nayoung. She was a very intelligent and charming woman. Back when Yoongi and her went to the same college, he actually had a little crush on her.

What could he do? She was extremely kind and confident, someone who wouldn't fear to take a bullet for the people she loved. It was the ideal type of girl that everyone adored.

After what seemed like an eternity, Nayoung knocked on Yoongis door. He immediately rushed downstairs to open it up.

As the door opened he saw the beautiful young woman in a flowy dress and black hair slightly falling on her face covering her innocent, green eyes.

Letting her in, Yoongi roughly grabbed her by the wrist and ran to his room.

Nayoung only smiled at his silliness and took a seat at the edge of his bed.

"Not even a 'Hello'?" She proclaimed tilting her head to the side.

"Sorry Nayoung-ah but this is something extremely important. I don't have much time left." Yoongi whined and took a seat next to her.

"You sound like you're about to get murdered, what happened?"

Yoongi took a deep breath and looked at the floor, thinking of what to say for a bit.

"I asked this guy out on a date and ... I don't know if I... well you know? I am not sure myself, but it just... I don't know, maybe I am a little..... in wrlowle wiph whimhs." Yoongi mumbled rubbing his forehead.

"Okay Yoongi, stop mumbling and speak up like a normal, grown up man!" Nayoung commanded in a loud voice claiming the dominance over Yoongi.
"Are you saying you're in love with the guy?"

"No! I mean Yes, but no... I don't know! I can't be! You know my mom...." Yoongi responded rubbing his face with his hands and pushing his hair back.

"Ok now, tell me how you feel around him. Be honest. Otherwise I can't help you and you'll struggle for the rest of your life and feel completely miserable by the end of it." She declared and took Yoongi by his hands.

"Well... He never leaves my mind, he's always there; mentally if not physically. It's just incomprehensible. He's my one stable force, my one stability in a world filled with chaos and I so desperately need that in my life.... When he touches me, my world just turns upside down and when he laughs...oh god..." Yoongi fell on the bed smiling to himslef. Just thinking of him made it feel like he owned all the happiness in the world.

Nayoung smiled at the older boy and said:
"Yoongi, you are in love."

"What? B-but I can't... he is a guy and..." Yoongi started to mumble again but was cut off by Nayoung.

"No, stop denying it! I know what your mother said and honestly I don't believe in that. Every mother loves her son dearly, and it shouldn't matter if you love a guy." She hissed adding a small smile at the end.

"I am not sure about this... "

"Just get over yourself and admit it, you are in love! There is no perfect love, we are all flawed, but knowing those flaws and still loving with all your heart creates perfect love." She said with a smile and soft eyes.

Yoongi covered his face and let out a loud sigh. Suddenly a phone ring echoed through the room and Nayoung answered it walking out of the room to talk in private.

𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓 | ʏᴏᴏɴᴍɪɴ ✔Where stories live. Discover now