Boy 'Friends'

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Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting at a table in an elite restaurant. They were both waiting for Jimin and Yoongi while sipping on their drinks.

Jungkook moved around a lot and rubbed his hands together obviously nervous.

"Hey, Kookie, it's gonna be fine! They would never judge you, or us, they are my friends!" Taehyung talked calmly patting the youngers shoulder.

"I know, it's just... I have this feeling..."
Jungkook responded biting his lip.

"Oh calm down... here they come!" Tae chirped jumping up and waving at the couple, gesturing them to go to their table.

As they approached Tae ran up and hugged Jimin. The three of them went to the table and took their seats.

"So Jimin, Yoongi, meet my boyfriend-"

"Jungkook?" Yoongi suddenly said out of the blue.

"Oh, you guys know each other?" Taehyung asked and Jimin looked at them with confusion.

"Uhm.. Hey, Yoongi..." Jungkook spoke softly and looked down.

"We have to talk for a bit in private." Yoongi declared and walked out of the table, Jungkook following him.

Jimin looked at Tae with a bit of worry in his eyes. Tae exchanged the look.

"What do you think they need to discuss? How do those two even know each other?" Taehyung questioned and slightly bit his lip.

"Who knows, maybe they are just childhood friends?"

"Maybe, so what do you think of me proposing to Kookie tonight?" Taehyung asked casually leaning in his chair.

"Y-you serious???? Tae, you literally just met a couple of days ago!!!" Jimin choked looking at Tae with wide eyes.

"Haha chill, Chim-chim. I was only joking.... I'll propose to him tomorrow!" Taehyung proclaimed and took a sip of his drink proudly.

Jimin just sat there face palming himself.

Meanwhile Jungkooks and Yoongis conversation...

Yoongi and Jungkook went to the bathroom and checked that no one was there. Jungkook was standing, leaning against a wall, looking down at his feet.

"Kook, what are you doing here?" Yoongi screamed in a whisper.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook questioned looking straight into Yoongis dark, grey eyes.

"I am Jimin's boyfriend now, how did you get here with Taehyung? Don't tell me you guys are dating!"

"We are, Yoongi. And I am his boyfriend. What's your problem?" Jungkook scuffed and crossed his arms on his chest.

"More like, our problem Kookie. If they find out that we were making out the day of that stupid party, our happy love lives would collapse onto ash." Yoongi growled and bit his lip nervously.

It was a drunk accident. Yoongi was mad and he needed someone to get his mind off. And well... Jungkook was just there, served to him like a dish on a plate.

"Well.... They wouldn't find out, after all only we know about that and neither of us would blab about that right?" Jungkook snorted and bit the inside of his cheek trying to not show his nervousness.

"I just hope so, anyways, let's go before they think of anything weird."

Both of the guys went out of the bathroom getting weird starres from some people sitting on the nearby tables. They walked back to their table and joined their boyfriends.

After ordering some food they took some desert and just talked for the rest of their double date.

"- and then the waitress was like 'would you like a table?' And I was just like 'no, not at all, I came here to sit on the floor. Carpet for 5 please'.
Like brooooo, come on!"

Taehyung kept telling his weird stories and the rest just listened and laughed.

"And then, like, later on that day, I had to go to the dentist and after the check up he was like 'you need a crown' and I was like ' I know right!!!!'
Like seroisly guys don't you think I need one? I'd become the fashion king..." Tae drooled over the thought.

"You, Taehyung, talk like some dumb blonde that keeps on blabbering about latest fashion trends and the latest rumors about celebrities." Yoongi scoffed adding a little giggle at the end.

"When I came to his house there was literally a sign on the door saying Gucci Only." Jungkook chimmed in smiling at Tae.

"Oh please! Can you believe that guy? He came to my house with a Louis Vuitton belt, like excuse me! This is a Gucci household!" Tae exclaimed putting his finger up in the air.

Laughter filled over the table.

"Oh Tae...." Jimin giggled.

*ring* *ring*

Jimins phone rang and he picked up.


Pretty short update but I had to end it on a cliff hanger.


Ok I guess I'll stop teasing you guys... not.

Ok don't hate me ^-^

-Author-nim ♡♡♡~

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