Chapter 1

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Today is the first day of my senior year of high school and I'm dreading each and every second that brings me closer to 8:15 am. What's the point of going to school when you have to sit in a classroom with a bunch of egotistical, ignorant popular wannabes?

I look at myself in my floor length mirror. This should be good for my last first day of high school. I am wearing a sleeveless cyan colored top with a white lace embroidery design at the top with a cyan colored collar at the neck of the shirt. I matched it with my white jeans and my cyan and white colored converses.

My hair is naturally curly and because of the occasion, I decide to make my hair look decent.  I left it out curly so it flows down my back, but I braided the top so that all the hair is pushed back. My bedroom door busting open and slamming against the wall startles me and I spin around to see Zoe.

"What the hell Zoe?!?!"

"Does this look nice? I straightened my hair and all and I didn't put on too much makeup and I don't know. I just really want to look good for the last first day of school" She says frantically.

My face falls and I give her my signature 'are you serious?' look.

"No, you want to look good for one Asher Stevens Zo" I say matter of factly and I spin back around and clean back up the table and put on my book bag so I can leave.

"Pssh what are you talking about? I-I don't li-like Asher Stevens. Wha- that's absurd." She says trying to convince me that she doesn't like Asher. Zoe has had a crush on Asher Stevens since the 10th grade. So about two years. She has tried convincing me that she doesn't like him or she stopped liking him, but even my little brother Leo knows she is lying and he doesn't even know who Asher is.

"Whatever Zoe. Let's go or else we will miss the bus." I say and walk past her and downstairs. My brother Leo is sat at the table eating his microwave pancakes while he watches PJ Masks on his tablet. My mom is sat by the table watching some video on her phone while she eats a muffin.

I walk over to Leo and I ruffle his hair and kiss him on his forehead earning me a slap on my forehead. Zoe skips downstairs and goes in the fridge to take out a cold granola bar.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Who is ever ready to deal with annoying teenagers?" I say and Zoe walks out the door first, but I stay back and look at my mom.

"I love you mom" I say waiting, hoping that she will say it back.

"Hmm" she says and nods and continues watching her video.

Who am I kidding? The response was inevitable. She hasn't said those words to me in years.

I walk out the door and catch up to Zoe who is at the bus stop.

"You know I don't like Asher. He doesn't even know who I am. You know that. I just want to look good today." She lies and the bus pulls up. She goes on first and I second.

"Whatever you say Zo."

"I'm telling you the truth" she says and smiles.


"It's just that.." Zoe says and continues to go on and on about trying to convince me that she doesn't have a crush on Asher Stevens, the school's ladies man.

We reach to school ten long minutes later and I walk out first and my feet hit the hard cement road. I walk toward the school building and I stop before I enter. I can see from the glass doors that people are already inside. It looks like hundreds of kids are inside there. I can already spot out the gossip girls of the school: Talia, Mariana, and Zara; The football, lacrosse, and basketball players who are all sizing up to each other with their egos, the nerds who throw themselves into their schoolwork, the popular wannabes, the goths, the outcasts, and finally the "it" crowd.

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