Chapter 55

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Sienna's POV

She screwed me over after everything. 

I nearly got myself expelled for trashing the principals office and stealing the answers on the finals.IT WAS ALL FOR HER. I thought she was my friend. Yeah, sometimes she is pretty standoff~ish and doesn't give a damn about people sometime. 

Well, everyone besides Issac and-

Oliver Fray.

Oliver Fray is the captain of the football team and Talia from TMZ's boyfriend. Talia and Oliver have been dating so far all of junior year for her so 5 months. Everyone was surprised that a junior had gotten the captain position on the schools football team. Victoria and Oliver have been hooking up on and off for over a year. 


That means she cheated on Issac with Oliver. The longest Oliver and Victoria have been off was after my year's junior prom. I don't know what happened, but something happened and then after they have acted liked nothing happened. They were off until he started dating Talia and just recently, they started again.

It was no surprise that Victoria took the opportunity to hook up with Oliver at the dance. Talia wasn't supposed to know and that was my fault and that's why Victoria hates me.

But maybe I wanted Talia to find out.

My father and mother are both bestselling authors and because of their hectic jobs, they often push me to the sidelines. They barely talk to me. They mostly talk to each other about their conjoined novel that will come out next year or the next relief mission they will do that they will write about. 


I am just stuck at home, wondering why they act like I am not here. It hurts.

That's why I became friends with Victoria and Cartier. I thought maybe they could fill in that hole that my parents's absence has left, but now that Victoria is ignoring me and Cartier barely talks to me, I have no one. I am just the same sophomore girl who had no friends and had to elbow her way through a crowd. 

I hate Victoria for doing this. She basically called me a whore in front of the whole school because of my thing with Asher. I could've exposed her right there, but she knew I wouldn't.

But I will.

"So are you in?" she asks.

I look into her bright sky blue eyes and say, "She is going down. She will pay for what she did to me and to you."

She smirks in response and flicks a strand of her long hair behind her shoulder.

"You know what to do. Meet me at the rendezvous point tonight at 9 pm."

"OK." I tell her and walk out the bathroom and get lost into the heavy crowd of students.

Victoria won't even know what hit her. 


"I'm glad you came to your senses and apologized for your idiocy" she says and colors in her lips with pink lipstick.

"Yeah, I am so so sorry that I wasn't paying attention at the dance and Talia walked in on you guys. Where are you going exactly?" I ask, and put a fake smile on my face.

I am at Victoria's house and she is getting ready to go somewhere. I hope she lets me stay in the house after she goes. That's the only way the plan will work. 

"I am going to Oliver's house. After him and Talia broke up, he was hurt and all, but he came to his senses and realized that he had the real deal with me and we are good. I am glad Talia found out actually." she says ignorantly.

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