Chapter 48

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As I near closer to Issac and Maxwell, I begin to hear Maxwell's harsh words.

"So what you date my sister while trying to bang your ex. I bet you are just like your best friend Asher. Always trying to get in everyone's knickers." He says to Issac, his words bitter and laced with a poison intended to hurt Issac.

"Dude, I broke up with Mackenzie because I didn't want to hurt her."

"And yet she got hurt anyway. And now I will beat your ass." His grip on the lacrosse stick tightens and I push my legs to move faster. Just a few more feet.

"Maxwell, you don't want to do this."

"Yeah you're right. I will beat you with my bloody hands!" He drops the stick and starts cracking his knuckles. Issac looks unfazed by all this because...well he is Issac. Just as Maxwell is about to bring his fist up and punch Issac in his face, I stand right in between the two and grab Maxwell's wrist before he could punch me.

To say he was shocked is an understatement. He brings his arm back to his side.

"Bay, what the hell!" Issac yells behind me.

"Shut the hell up Issac." I tell him in a calm, yet deadly voice. I look back at Maxwell and in his light brown eyes are anger and betrayal. It's blinding him and he isn't realizing it.

"You hate Issac because of what he did right?"

He nods his head.

"Well hate me too. Your sister probably hates me and blames me for all of this. And maybe it is my fault, but don't hit Issac. Be mad at me. Hold the grudge on me."

"I can't hit a girl."

"Don't hit anything at all. I know you are hurt. You trusted Issac with your sister's heart. It may feel like your sister's heart is crushed right now, but your sister has a big heart and not even Issac Evans can crush it. She has a heart made of gold and nothing can destroy that. Instead of trying to beat the living crap out of Issac, go and be with your sister and comfort her."

Maxwell looks at me for a while, wondering whether my words are coming from a genuine place and not just trying to save my best friend's ass. He eventually gives in and glares at Issac one last time before running off the field. I let out a sigh in relief.

"What the hell were you thinking? He could of hit you on accident!" Issac yells when he is right in front of me.

"That was incredibly stupid! If he had punched you, you would've been knocked out on the floor with a bruise to last for weeks. Your mom will hate me for letting that happen to you. Oh and Zoe, she will shave my head in my sleep and god, are you nuts?" He adds and continues to rant. I listen to him rant with an amused look on my face.

"What the hell are you smiling about?" he asks.


"Is me worrying that you could've gotten hurt funny?" He asks and his nose flares in anger. "Bay, I can't have you getting hurt. Don't you understand. It would kill me if you got hurt because of me." He pleads for me to understand.

God, I just want to kiss him so badly right now.

"Okay, I got you. Stay out of trouble."

Issac sighs and walks closer to me and envelops me into a tight hug. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close and I do the same. We just stand there for a while in each other's arms enjoying the moment while it lasts because once we step back into that school building it will be me, him, and the entire school.

We pull apart shortly when we hear the school bell in the distance, indicating that free period is over. Zoe is no longer standing where I left her.

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