Chapter 32

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"Woah!! Hostile much?" Armani responds on the other end of the line.

"How did you get my number?"

"I stole it off of Issac one day when he was drunk off his ass"

"Does anyone else have this number, specifically your girlfriend?"


"OK. Why are you calling me?"

"I can't call a friend. You know Bay, you are probably the most violent person I have ever met."

"Thank you for the compliment. Why did you call?"

"Are you okay?"

"I am fine. Why are you asking?"

"Because of everything that is going on. You know, Issac going on a date with Mackenzie Taylor."

"Mackenzie Taylor? Why is that name familiar?" I ask racking my brain to put a face to the name.

"Because she is in your AP Bio class. I thought you knew who she was."

I close my eyes and think about the people who are in my AP Bio class.

"Is she the girl with the long brown hair, fair skin, and slight British accent?"

"Yes that's her!"


Mackenzie Taylor joined our school in sophomore year. She was a transfer student from the UK and she is insanely smart. Apparently, her father worked for Oxford University as a professor. She is also very beautiful and it intimidated a lot of girls in my year and upper years, especially the old "it" girl crew. She transferred here with her brother who is also a senior. He is on the lacrosse team as well. I think his name is Maxwell Taylor.

"You good?"

"Great. I am happy for Issac. He is my best friend Armani and nothing more."

"You keep saying that, but I don't believe you."

"Be happy for your best friend Armani. He is getting out there."

"I am, but just between us two, I have been rooting for you and Issac from day 1."

"There is nothing to root for besides friendship. Listen, I have to go. We can talk tomorrow."

"Yeah okay."

"Bye" I say and hang up the phone.


"You have competition tomorrow?"

"Yeah, it's somewhere upstate so I won't be home tonight and I will be back home tomorrow morning. You will see me at lunch. The debate team got excused from school tomorrow, but I won't leave my sister. Mom took Leo to Camp Molecule. Don't know what it is, but it is upstate so she won't be home." Zoe says with a smile on her face. We just reached inside the school and are walking down the hallway. 

"See ya" Zoe says before heading to her locker. I walk over to my locker where Issac is standing with his books in his hands and a little smile on his face. 

"Hey" he says to me when I reach beside him

"Hi" I open my locker and place in my bag and I take out my books. "How was your date yesterday?" I ask with my eyes trained inside my locker.

"It was great, actually. She is really great."

"Mackenzie Taylor, right?" I ask and finally look at him.

"Yeah that's her. How did you know?"

"Everyone is talking about the golden boy and the beautiful British transfer, how could I not know?" I close my locker shut and then look at Issac.

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