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6 years later...

"Where is her dress?!!!! I will have you blackballed in New York City if you don't find me that dress in 5 seconds!" Zoe seethes, as she clenches and unclenches her fist.

The small girl runs off, tears streaming down her face, as she frantically looks around for my dress.

Just breath Bay

You can do this.

"Bay, you don't need to worry. You just have to look pretty and walk down that aisle and marry Issac. Just don't mess up the makeup. The makeup artist was expensive." Zoe says and brushes my face with more glittery powder stuff.

"I want chocolate and mai tais. And liquor. Looooottttsss of liquor." I tell her and she hands me a pointed look, in which I roll my eyes.

"You cannot be stressed right now Bay. This is your big day!" she shrieks.

"Everyone move through!" A familiar voice yells. A smile spreads on my face and I stand up.

"I heard chocolate. I came to deliver." he says and holds up a massive chocolate brownie.

This is why I love Armani Clarke.

"Armani!" I yell and run over to him. I wrap my arms around him and embrace him in a hug. Ever since the wedding rehearsal 2 weeks ago, he has been gone on this rock climbing thing in Korea with Cartier and I have been away from 2 of my best friends.

"Mi dia. Dammi il cioccolato" I say in Italian and take the chocolate brownie from him.

"Get the Italian lady a fork!" Armani yells and instantly a woman, who I think is the seamstress, hands me a fork. Zoe had gotten me an entire team from this company she is working at to help with my wedding. Zoe is the manager of this fashion magazine and some interns from FIT(Fashion Institute of Technology) who are affiliated with the company needed the money, so here they are. 

I take the fork and stab into the chocolate brownie and put the treat in my mouth. I moan in pleasure as the chocolate melts in my mouth.

"NO CHOCOLATE ON THE WEDDING!" A Russian lady who is helping out with makeup says an plucks the brownie and fork out my hand. I narrow my eyes at her, but she just gives me a look and walks away with the cake. I swear I saw her take a bite out my brownie as she was going. 

"Zoe! She took my brownie." I whine.

"Good. We have 10 minutes to get you walking down that aisle. The dress is here. Hurry and put it on. I have to get going on that thank you letter to Vera Wang. This dress is marvelous." She says and admires the dress in its package. Zoe, Cartier, and my other friend from college had traveled to New York to Vera Wang to have her specially design my wedding dress. I fell in love with my dress the moment I saw it and trying it on made me feel like a princess.

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