Chapter 20

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"Bay?" a soft voice asks from on the other side of the door. I look over at my plain white door and wonder if I should answer. I am currently nestled in a plush blanket at my window trying not to burst into tears again.

"It's me. Zoe. I know we haven't talked in a bit, but-"

"Come in." I say.

I need to tell her about Aunt Seraphina and Asher.

The knob twists and the door opens revealing Zoe in her pajamas. She walks over to me and sits at the window with me. 

"I'm sorry Mom lashed out on you like that. That wasn't fair. And it was mean."

"Don't apologize for her or about her rather. I don't care." I say and for a minute I actually believe my words, but then that feeling fades and I am left with that same empty, sad feeling.

I care. And it's annoying because I don't deserve how she treats me.

"Uh I also wanted to apologize for not talking to you this past month. I know you don't approve of Asher, but he really has changed. He is good, just like I believed he was. Please give him a chance."

It's now or never.

"Zoe I went to visit Aunt Seraphina this weekend..."

"Oh Ok how was it? It was her birthday, right?"

"Yeah and she had a big birthday surprise."

Okay that was tactless.

Zoe puts out her lip in confusion and I sigh. It's time to just come out with it. 

"I found Asher in bed with Seraphina. They were doing 'it'" I say and trying to be as pg as possible with Zoe because she cringes a lot when thinking about sex

Zoe's eyebrows crease together in confusion. "What are you talking about? Is this an attempt to break me and Asher up because this is a new low, even for you Bay!"

I am trying to help you. Don't yell in my face.

"Zoe, this is the truth. Asher probably won't admit it. Or maybe he will, i don't know nor do I care. All i know is that I found Asher banging our aunt. And they admitted this was not the first time. I wouldn't joke about something like this. I love my aunt. She is my favorite family member. Why would I ruin her image? You know, deep down, it's true."

"He wouldn't. He wouldn't- my aunt. No" Zoe says in disbelief and tears in her eyes as she looks at me. 

I feel bad for her. I really do, but she had it coming. She knew Asher was still sexually involved with other girls other than herself. She didn't care. That's the thing with Zoe. When she loves, she gives it her all. It's like dad leaving didn't affect her at all.

"After everything... he wouldn't." Zoe says and shakes her head. 

"You know deep down that it is true Zo. You need to stop seeing him.....wait. Did he take your virginity?"

"NO! Thank god... i mean. We almost did and I would've,but his phone started to ring and he had to go." Zoe says and tears roll down her face and she looks out the window with a broken look. It's the same look she had on her face when dad left.

"I am sorry for everything I said and did the past month and choosing Asher over you. It was stupid and obviously a mistake. God, I'm an idiot."

Yes, yes you are.

"No, no you're not. You caught up like the rest of them."

"I-uh I need to have a m-minute alone." she sniffles and walks out my room.

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