Chapter 9

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"You are hooking up with her? Sister of a skank?" Sienna bitterly laughs. "Is this a threesome? Issac are you letting your bestfriend have your leftovers?"

Issac's face turns red with anger and his grey eyes darken so many shades, it almost looks black.

Zoe's face turns red with anger and she clenches her fist and I already know.

Zoe Stewart is about to throw her first punch

"What the fuck Sienna! Are you on something? We have a no strings attached agreement. Why the hell are you bringing in Bay and Issac and Zoe. Fuck off. Victoria's little bitch." He rants and people in the hallway stop heading to class to watch the confrontation.

"What did you just call me?"

"A bitch, are you deaf too?"

"How could you call me that after everything? What because you found a new whore to play with you push me aside. Does she suc-" Zoe's fist fly up and if it weren't for my fast reflexes, Sienna would've been punched by her. I luckily caught Zoe's fist in time. Sienna has her arms up to cover her face.

"Walk it off." I whisper to Zoe. Zoe pushes past Asher and walks toward the girls bathroom. I look to Sienna and all I see is a broken girl who covered her self in plastic and makeup. And despite that 0.00000000001% of me that feels bad for the girl that got lost in the popularity, no one calls my sister a whore.

I bring my hand up and slap Sienna across her face so hard the sound is probably heard all the way in the South wing. People in the hallway gasp in disbelief and shock. Sienna is left with a red hand print on her face and she clutches her cheek. Tears prick her eyes and she looks at me in horror.

This is the first time one of the "it" girls has ever been physically put in her place.

"Listen to me. And listen to me very carefully, don't EVER call my sister a whore. Call me anything you want. I won't give a damn but the moment, you step past that line and attack at my sister is the day you will rue the day you messed with Bay Stewart. Stay in your place. Remember this day Sienna." I seethe in anger and I walk off ignoring everyone's stares and focus on finding my sister.

"BAY!" Issac yells but I ignore them. I ignore them all. I made a big mistake. I should've detached like I always do and stay away from Issac. But this time, I didn't get hurt. My sister did.

I walk into the girl's bathroom and I hear sniffling and sobbing from the last bathroom stall. I walk over and i slide down on the floor in front of it.


The sniffling stops for a moment.

"I'm sorry it's all my fault. If I hadn't gotten involved with them, then you wouldn't have and that wouldn't have happened to you."

The bathroom door clicks and she opens the door. Her face is puffy and her eyes are red. My insides already bubble up with anger and I feel like punching something in the face for hurting my sister. For hurting my best friend.

"You can say I told you so now"

"I'm not here to say that Zo. I should've been more cautious."

"NO I should've been. I was so stupid to think just maybe Asher isn't what everyone makes him out to be and we could be fine. And then his hook up comes up and calls me a damn whore." She says and gets up off the toilet and walks to the mirror. She takes out her makeup kit out her bag and uses the powder to conceal her puffy eyes. She reapplies on some lipstick and fixes her hair.

"I am done with Asher" she says emotionlessly.

She sounds like me. Hurt. Overwhelmed by it. Blocking out the pain and lying to yourself. I would know. I have mastered it.

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