Chapter 57

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Asher's POV

I can't stop thinking about her. 

I should not be thinking about Zoe Stewart.

Every time I close my eyes, I see her beautiful smile and the way her hazel eyes would twinkle when she looks at me. The way how she can talk to you like you are as light as a feather and then get hot like fire the next turns me on. I should NOT be getting turned on by Zoe. I should be staying away from her.

But I am selfish.

And my selfishness may just ruin her.

As I am laying in my bed, just hours before the football game later that I am going to, I stare at the ceiling wondering what she is doing. Is she doing her hair? Is she reading magazines or designing new stuff. Zoe said she wants to be a lawyer, but I am pretty sure fashion is where she should go. Her designs are crazy good and I am a guy, but shit I would where those if I were a girl.

Last night, I did probably the most selfish thing I ever did in my life.

I kissed Zoe Valentina Stewart.

I know I shouldn't have. My mind was telling me to walk away, put some distance between us, but every fiber, every cell in my body wanted her. Needed her. 

Is it possible to feel like you are physically in pain when you are away from someone? When you push them away and you hate yourself for it?

Last night, we had to talk about us. I asked her out and she said she needed to think before giving me an answer. We met last night at the docks. She came in this short, red vintage dress that showed off her long brown legs and I just knew I was a goner then. I knew I would go home doing something I shouldn't, but wouldn't regret.

She told me that she has to say no to me because she has to protect her heart. I broke it too many times and me being a player isn't very reassuring. And she is right, but I wasn't always a player. The days before all of this is very faint, but one name comes to my mind when I think about the days before I became Asher Stevens, the ladies man: Crystal


"Crystal wait! I-I don't understand."

"It's simple Asher." she turns around, her blond hair following behind her. " I am breaking up with you." 

"But why, this doesn't make sense. I- we were okay."

"Yeah, but I have always had a crush on Wyatt and now he likes me and he wants me, so choosing between you and Wyatt is an easy decision. I. choose. him."

"Wyatt Lockwood. That asshole with the creepy ass shirts. Seriously? You are breaking up with me for that."

"Don't talk about him like that!" Her venom-laced words shoot at me burning me and shattering my heart.

I don't get it. We were dating for a year and we never fought. She was my everything. We lost our virginity's to each other. Yeah, I know why am I losing my virginity in the 7th grade, but who cares? She is the love of my life. 

Or at least she was.

"Goodbye Asher."Crystal says and runs off.

I felt something break in me as I watched her run away, run away from me and the love I gave her an entire year of pure love and she just leaves me like that.  I could feel my heart hardening over and all I could feel is black. 




But little did I know, I would become even worse that Crystal James.

Flashback over!

"Asher, I can't trust you with my heart if all you will do is break it." Zoe says and she chokes on her words. Please don't cry. Not for me.

"I know that my...unfortunate ways are a problem and I will stop. I want you and only you. Not any other girl. None of those girls could make my heart beat faster than the speed of sound like right now." I tell her and I bring her hand to my chest, so she could feel my heartbeat. She looks at my chest with a small smile on her lips and then she looks back up at my green eyes.

That look right there in her eyes.

The one of adoration and warmth. 

I need that. I need her. All of her.

I rest my hand on her waist bringing her closer. She looks up into my green eyes, taken aback by what I am doing. I don't even know what I am doing, but for once, I am following my heart and not my head. My head is what got us into this mess. 

Both heads.

Her caramel eyes flicker to my lips and then back up to my eyes. Her chest rises and falls quicker than normal and her breathing is more ragged. I lean down closer brushing my lips against hers and a shit ton of sparks and tingles spread through out my lips. I breathe out raggedly. There is no way I could go back now. 

Zoe's eyes flutter close.

She is breathtaking and damn me for falling in love with Zoe Stewart. 

Just one taste. I just need to satiate this thirst. This hunger for her that no amount of girls could satisfy. 

I connect my lips with hers slowly and our lips move together slowly, steadily just like I remembered it. She wraps her hand around my neck, bringing me closer. She tastes like strawberries. She always has.

"Asher" Zoe breathes out through our kiss. "We have to stop." 

I pull away from and I already miss her taste. It's almost as if I never got a taste. 

"I need space. Away from you and all of t-this" she says, looking very discombobulated.

"OK." I tell her and step away from her, for my sake. 

"I have to go. Bay will realize I am gone." she says and runs off, her dress swaying in the wind.

I run a stressed hand through my dark brown hair and I walk back to my car. I hop in my black Ferrari and drive down the streets and in my neighborhood. I wish Zoe would've let me drove her home, but she ran off to quickly. Luckily, she only lives a 10 minute run from here. 

As much as I want to kiss her all the time, show my affection to her in all the ways I know how, I can't and it's not because she told me that she needs space from me. Its because a person as bright and beautiful as Zoe Stewart cannot be with a guy like me. 

I don't deserve her and that's the sad truth that I need to accept.

Hello lovely readers,

An Asher's POV was requested so I figured I should do it. Asher and Zoe's relationship isn't really added too much into this book because this book is mainly about Bay and Issac. There is a whole lotta stuff going on between Asher and Zoe that if I put it in this book, it may overcrowd it and become confusing. I am thinking about doing a separate book on Zoe and Asher, but I am not sure. Comment below if you would want me to do that.

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Until next time....

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