Chapter 29

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"What are you doing Issac?!"

"Almost done." He says.

"Oww!" I yell out when the pin stabs me in my chest. "If that thing stabs me one more time, I will use my thumbs to guage out your eyeballs!"

"I'm done! I'm done!" He yells and moves away. I look down at the what he was working on for a good 2 minutes and it is a Northern Lights pin.

"You got this for me in Alaska?"

"Yeah, I figured it would look good on you plus it's very...special." he says with a small smirk on his face.

My lips tug up in a smile when I remember our kiss under the Northern Lights.

"Thanks." I say and put my hand on the pin that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

"I got something for you too" I say with a big smile on my face. Today is Issac and I's 3rd month friendaversary. I know people usually do it every year, but last time I checked there doesn't have to be an annual thing with friendaversary. It's been 1 month since Alaska and the whole awkwardness from it. We have pushed past everything that happened and our friendship is stronger now.

I open my locker and take out the box and I hand it to Issac. He opens the box revealing a silver and blue Burberry watch. Issac's eyes widen when he looks at this and then back at me.

"How much did this cost you?!"

"Not much. I got it on sale and plus, my mom knows a guy who added a discount on it so I didn't pay too much in one day. Take it out and flip it over." I say with a smirk on my face.

He takes the watch out of the box and flips it over and reads the markings on the back of the watch.

"Bay...this was too much."

"Please. It wasn't enough."

" 'You are my grey knight in golden armor Love, Bay. Nov.6' " He reads aloud and then looks at me with his grey eyes that look almost crystallized. He pulls me into a tight hug and I melt into his warm embrace.

"I can't believe you did this. I got you a pin from Alaska. That's so lame compared to what you got me."

"Your gift was small, but so important to me. To us." I say and feel my cheeks heat up. "Your gift was perfect." I pull away and close my locker and hold my lunch in my hand.

"Alright, so movie night and sleepover at my place right?" He asks.

"Yeah. What time will you pick me up?"

"After practice."

"OK. See you then" I say and walk away and into the lunchroom to meet Zoe.

"Hey." i say and plop down on the seat across from Zoe. I take out my sub sandwich from my lunch bag and unwrap it.

"So, what did you guys give each other for friendversary? I am still pissed you didn't tell me what you got him."

"Oh whatever. He got me this" I say and move my hair so she would see the pin. Her eyes light up and she puts her hand on her heart.

"That is so adorable and sweet." she gushes and a smile comes to my face when I look down at the pin.

"I got him a Burberry watch-"

"YOU WHAT!!" Zoe yells having everyone in the cafeteria look at her. And I mean everyone.

Kill me now.

"Carry on people!" Zoe says to the people in the cafeteria.

Leave it up to Zoe to be....herself.

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