Fake Smiles

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I hadn't spoken a word to King since that day. Our last proper interaction had been filled with screaming and kicking for him to take back that order. I called him every swear in the book and he remained indifferent all the way back to his house. 

For breaking the rules again, I was further confined to my room. I kicked up a fuss for hours and broke everything I could get my hands on. Despite the obvious chaos that was ensuing, no one paid me any heed, as if I was just a child throwing a tantrum. But it wasn't just that. It was so much more. Not only was this man monopolising everything in my life, but he had also given an order to kill Cooper. Why?! Why did Cooper have to die?! What had he ever done?!

The maids were certainly not pleased when they came in to see the mess I had created. I refused food, deciding to go on a hunger strike until King called off the order. I demanded he come to see me, but all were denied. 

And, so, I cried. To myself, silently, once I was left alone again. I cried in frustration and mourn. Everything seemed to have collapsed into itself as I cried. I can't take it. I can't take much more of this! 

After two days of being locked in this room, my anger eventually coincided. I prayed for them to answer me and I banged on the door, sobbing in desperation and pleading to bring King to me. These people had not a single grain of humanity or sympathy left in them. 

I was left there for another two days until King allowed me to visit my friends again. I was once again reminded to keep unnecessary details to myself. And, this time, I feared not only for my family's lives but also my friends' lives. 

"Holy shit...ELI!"

I stood still as they stumbled out of our usual table at the cafeteria and rushed towards me. I was almost tackled to the ground with hugs; overwhelmed with their relief and bombarded with their questions.

These faces, I'll have to remember them. It might be the last time I get to see them.

I couldn't face them after this, hiding my life like Brittney always did but still acting as we normally do. I wasn't strong like that.

Perhaps this was for the best – cutting ties with them. Having to lie to them was worse than leaving them...


Whilst gazing upon these faces of my friends, I recounted my core memories of our time together. 

Wendy was the first to come into mind.

"Oi! Eloise!" Wendy grabbed onto my arm and pulled me into the nearest classroom, away from the hallway's busy crowd. I groaned in annoyance and pain, pulling my arm away once we were inside.

"What's with you, Wendy?"

Wendy scrunched her face in irritation whilst she crossed her arms and glared up at me - her short height wasn't really helping with intimidation though. "Better question! What's with you?! Acting all sexy in front of the new kid! I called dibs on him already! And, in case Brittney hasn't told you how our group works yet...no one goes a meter near a guy I call dibs on, got it?!"

She jabbed me with her finger, staring me down threateningly. I sighed and tried to ease her thoughts before she gets all violent. Out of the entire group, Brittney introduced me into, Wendy was the person I hated most.

"Will you chill out? First of all, I wasn't acting 'sexy' around him, and second of all, I'm not planning to make any moves on him anyways. You want Cooper, then you can have him all you want, cause I wouldn't fall for a guy like that in a hundred years," I snorted, slapping away her finger.

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