The Time Had Finally Come

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"Because, today, right here in front of the day you die..."

At that moment, I felt something come to completion. A voice echoed in my head from a year go, foretelling of my misfortune. 

Alex slammed his fist down onto my desk, toppling a stack of papers onto the floor. My eyebrow twitched in annoyance. Does he not understand how long it took me to sort those?

"Are you fucking kidding me, Ashton?! Do you understand how stupid of an idea this is?!" I knew that this was one of the rare moments when Alex actually took this ordeal very seriously. He wouldn't use my full name otherwise...

I sighed and put down the file I was holding named 'Jacinda Florenzo', with a picture of a teenage girl's passport photo on the front. "It's not as if I haven't done stupider things in the past that have turned out fine..."

He groaned in frustration and massaged his temples. "That's not what I mean! Are you even taking any consideration into who you're going up against?! This is Giovanni Florenzo we're talking about! Do you really want to try and bargain his daughter with him?"

"For what he can give us in return? Yes," I stated, glaring up at him. I drilled my gaze into his hard, brown eyes. "That's why I'm going through with this plan..."

Alex held my gaze for a few moments before rubbing his face in stress. "You've lost it Ashton... I mean, do you understand how obsessed this guy's been with finding his daughter?! And, just when he's this close to getting her back, you're going to take her away from him again?! It's suicide!"

Whilst I wanted to refute his words, I knew there was some truth in them. I couldn't be certain that this would completely destroy everything I've built up so easily if I failed. But, on the contrary, it can put us above everyone else if we were to succeed. I let out a deep breath, pouring myself some whiskey from the bottle on my desk and slumping back down into my chair. "We'll just have to see then, won't we?"

"No! I can't let you do this, Ashton! You'll be jeopardising you're entire group for this!" He yelled back at me. I stared unyieldingly as Alex leaned over the table to rear into my face. "If this plan fails it's all over for you Ashton. Just remember that if it ever comes to it," he whispered harshly before backing off again. And, with those forbidding words, he stormed out of the room. The slam of the door rattled the office. 

The time had come, I suppose...

Alex warned me about something like this...

He knew that it would happen right under nose...

I shouldn't have underestimated the Veleno group so much.

Knowing Florenzo, he would've stocked this special ops teams full of manpower.

That red dot was flickering at the corner of my eye. It was a clear shot that would surely kill me. Was this how I die? Should I have really heeded Alex's advice and never even touched this subject in the first place?

I sighed, my eyes fixated on Amanda's lovely features now contorted with malice and insanity. I can't believe I almost fell for a face like that... 

I raised up a single finger so that the sniper could see.

The red light left its target, and I stayed calm as Amanda's expression quickly descended into confusion and anxiety as it travelled across the table and onto her head instead. She flinched, ready to jump up and away from the window until I held up a hand to stop her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Amanda gulped, the struggle with keeping level-headed in this situation was evident in her restless breathing and nervous glances out the window. I found it quite interesting how a person could flip so drastically in emotion within a matter of seconds. How quickly their confidence can dwindle or ignite based on whether the situation is in their favour or not... "He might get the wrong idea if you move like that..."

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