Here's To Us

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Greetings with the Clemote family had proceeded smoothly. King questioned why I had changed and I said it was none of his business. His family members appeared to like it, however, as none of them gave any compliments on it. Nicki had mentioned that any compliments were usually forced and a discreet way to take a jab at your terrible dress sense. If they didn't say anything, it meant that it was acceptable enough not to pay much heed towards.

Almost everyone that had been at the wedding was able to attend this party. Most of them still held a distaste toward me and I frankly understood why. They were a rich family that was involved with the mafia. King seemed to be an affluent person within the family as well. No way they would want him to settle for a girl that possessed anything but those traits. 

The sun soon fell under the horizon and the party was in full swing. Uncles and aunties alike were all drinking their lives away whilst enjoying the hors d'oeuvres that the kitchen has set out around the main foyer and drawing room where most of the party was held. There was laughter and music playing from the built-in speakers. The whole scene was a bit too chaotic for me. 

But then again, further into the house, small kids were running down the hallways and occupying the spare rooms. There was nowhere I could have peace. They were all celebrating something that made me so miserable. My parents had died just a few days beforehand as well and now I had put up with this. 

With a sigh, I chugged down the last few drops of my martini before sitting down on the arm of the sofa I was currently seated on. I wanted all these people to leave, or I wanted to leave all these people. But I could do neither. It was so noisy. 

"Oh! Eloise!" I saw Nicki call out to me as she got dragged across the drawing-room by some of her relatives that looked her age. She waved enthusiastically over to me as she passed by. I pinched a forced smile onto my lips in return. "Don't forget we're going shopping together tommo-"

"Nicki, come on already!" Her relative whined as she was yanked away. 

Ah, yes, shopping. King allowed it as he couldn't provide a believable reason as to why I couldn't be let out of this house, so it was decided that I would go shopping with Nicki and some of her relatives. Though I did anticipate a little bit of freedom from this place and away from King, I knew that it would amount to anything since he'll have some of his men tailing me the entire time.

There was no real freedom as long I was with him.

'But, it's alright since your freedom is more important, right?'

I blushed lightly at both my cheek and the shell of my ear. I could feel the heat reside at those places. As well my hand as the touch of Jake's hold lingered there. The tender interlock of our fingers as well as his sultry voice by my ear. How it tickled my skin whenever he would breathe out soft whispers that seemed to alleviate the weight of all my thoughts. 

I knew I should scold myself for these thoughts but why should I? It was the only thing that made me feel good? Was I not allowed to even feel good about something? Did I not deserve it as someone 'special'? 

I tightened my clasps of the neck of the martini glass I had, frustration bubbling inside my chest. No. No! How was that fair?! How was any of this fair?! Who cares if I was special?! Who cares if my parents had done something bad?! What about me as a person?! Did I not have feelings?! Did it not matter what I thought?! Was it only how I would benefit other people?! Was that all that mattered?!

Regretfully, I felt the tears moisten my eyes again and sniffled any expression of my emotion back. I didn't want to cry here. In front of these people. Sure everyone looked preoccupied but I knew they were watching me, listening in. I didn't want to give anyone else the benefit of my expense.

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