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It's been two days since King's disappearance. I suspected that the mission he had gone on had been the cause of this. His men haven't told me much and have tried to cover it up by saying he's away on some business but I know better. King promised to tell me the truth about my identity and his intentions for me after this mission. The fact that he still had not even come to speak to me was strange, considering the regular checkups he would usually conduct on me. 

I sighed and sluggishly closed my locker door whilst covered in red paint. And, once again I had a crowd of cackling students taking photos of me with Janette's clique as their leaders. This girl never really gives up, does she?

I thought that by joining Nicki's group, I could put an end to this childishness, but it only appears to have instigated it further. I'm guessing the incident at the cafeteria didn't help either.

But, right now, I didn't seem to have the energy for it – mentally and physically... I had something else on my mind that refused to leave.

Thankfully, I had brought another change of uniform to school, so after these idiots were done heckling at me, I made my way over to the girl's locker room near the sports centre. They were the closest place where I could properly wash this off. A shower helped to clear my thoughts. I was running into the third period by cleaning up but it wasn't like I could just show up to class in red paint. 

God, it's only been close to a full week and I'm already tired of this place. These pompous rich kids seem to have nothing else to do with their time. The paint was sticky so I suspected they must have mixed in something else with it. I really had to scrub to get this shit off. I was grateful not a lot of it landed in my hair otherwise that would've been disastrous. 

I kept reminding myself that it would only be two months but when the days were moving this slowly, even that much time seemed unbearable. 

Most of the paint seemed to come off given that I only had water and my hands to work with, I stood in the shower cubicle for a little so that I could dry off. It was fucking cold. Fuck those girls. I was wondering whether I should retaliate again, but that would just stoop me down to their level. We'd be no different than a bunch of elementary school children throwing mud in a sandpit at each other.

After wet had turned into damp, I started to shove my limbs into my clothes. It was hard to dress when everything was clinging to you like this. At least, it wasn't winter. Those stockings would've been hell to get on. 

After I was finished getting ready, I stepped out into the empty locker room and strolled over to the mirrors to examine myself. Everything looked pretty good now. My hair was wet but nothing I could do about that.

"-you told him!" 

My attention perked up to the sudden catch of a voice from my ears. Someone seemed to be skipping out on the third period as well. 

"Nicki, what are you talking about?" A subsequent voice of a man stirred my curiosity when he mentioned a name that was all too familiar. Nicki, as in the Nicki that I know? 

"Oh, stop lying, Dominic, I know how to tell when you lie," the girl retaliated gruffly, confirming the boy to be Dominic. Dominic...Truven? The one I met at the wedding? 

After a momentary pause, Dominic sighed out with a groan before confessing. "Fine. Alright. I told him."

Nicki seemed less than pleased at the confirmation. "Are you kidding me?! Why would you of all people tell Jake about us hooking up?" My eyebrow curved up in curiosity and I couldn't help but move a little closer to the door. So, these two hooked up at the wedding? And, Dominic told Jake? I mean, aren't Nicki and Jake broken up now anyways? Would it really matter? 

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