Harden Yourself

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I hitched my breath for a second once our eyes met. Is that...Connor? He looks handsome. But, that seems to have been a pattern with all these rich kids I've met recently. From the Clemote family to the Truven family. And, now it seems that the Devons' family genes are no less inferior. 

He shot me a flirty smile and before I could respond, a loud, booming voice interrupted our interaction.

"Jacinda, why don't you take a seat?" I almost didn't think that Mr Devons was talking to me until I remembered that Jacinda was my actual name. I hastily complied with a nod, taking a seat next to Connor. His confidence was certainly through the roof however, as he didn't even waste a second before scooting his chair closer to mine and ever so lightly brushing his leg against mine. Um, can he back up a bit?

"Oh, she's lovely, isn't she?" I perked up after my uncomfortable chill at a soft, gentle voice. It was Ms Devons, sending a mother's gaze of admiration over to me that made me blush shyly. Wow, she was really pretty for her age. "We're so happy to have you here, dear," she welcomed with a kind smile. I sent her my bashful gratitude in return.  She was so different to the matriarchs of the Clemote and Truven families who were openly cold and judgemental. 

There was nothing else really left to say, but before the air could become awkward, one of the maids came over with a finely presented gourmet dish and placed it in front of me. I thanked her before she wandered off again.

"Jacinda, I should introduce you to my family," Mr Devons' prominent voice rattled me as I was about to cut into my dinner. Politely, I put down my knife and fork to listen in carefully. Leave a good impression. He gestured over to Ms Devons who smiled warmly at me. "My wife, Elizabeth," he stated. I gave her one of my best smiles, crinkling my eyes to make it seem genuine. Mr Devons moved on down to the little blonde girl that was intensely focused on her table manners that she didn't even care to look up as her father introduced her. "This is my daughter, Brianna." Brianna didn't seem to give a shit until her mother patted her slightly on the back and whispered into her ear. She peeked up at me with a ferocious glare for a little girl. 

"Hello," she grumbled half-heartedly before going back to her dinner. Ms Devons sighed drearily at her attitude but her husband didn't seem to be having any of it.

"Brianna," he called in a deadly tone, causing her to purse her lips and puff her cheeks out in irritation. With an annoyed mumble under her breath she looked up again and spoke a little more clearly.

"Nice to meet you Miss Jacinda. My name is Brianna. I hope we can get along," she barked out stiffly. She reminded me of a brattier version of Sam.

The thought suddenly caused me to grow sullen. Sam...my little brother. He was still in the hospital whilst I escaped like this on my own. Oh, God, will I ever be able to see him again? Surely, if I tell Jake, he'll be able to sort my brother out as well, right? 

Nevertheless, I couldn't let my sadness show here. I had made my decisions and I would have to live with them. Sam will be safe. There's no reason for anything bad to happen to him. He'll be alright and eventually, I will come and save him as well. One day, he'll wake up again and we'll be able to restart our lives, supporting one another. 

"Nice to meet you too, Brianna," I greeted back with a friendly tone. She made no more fuss and just went back to eating her dinner.

Before Mr Devons introduced Connor, I felt his arm reach around the back of my chair and rest it on it. Awkwardly, I tried to move away, but he only seemed to lean in, making himself comfortable. Can he not? I literally just met the dude and he's already trying to make moves?

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