The Sister

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“Sister?” John asked, even more (if possible) shocked than he was before. “You have a sister?”
The girl mock-pouted. “Oh, hasn’t he told you about me?”
John shook his head and she sighed. “And you never bothered to ask why he was looking for a flatmate in the first place.”
“You mean?”
She shrugged. “You probably figured this out by now, but I spent the last year or so out-of-town. Out-of-country, actually.”
“Oh.” John said, wondering how Sherlock was related to this energetic young thing.
She smiled kindly at him. “So Sherlock went and found somewhere new to live.”
John looked over the girl. “So you’re a Holmes?” he asked doubtfully. She certainly wasn’t acting like it.
She grinned at him. “Are you waiting for the analysis?”
John blushed slightly. “Sort of, yeah.”
“Well then, John Watson. I know you’re an ex-army doctor, returned to London around the same time I left. You had a psychosomatic limp, but it’s gone now. Let’s see, you have a high personal opinion of my brother, but also think he’s childish and insolent. You’re on an…no, were on an army salary, but you got a job, didn’t you? Multiple girlfriends over the past few months. Oh, and in your spare time, you help my brother solve crimes.” She crossed her legs. “Well? Am I Holmes enough for you now?”
John chuckled. “Yeah, something like that. So how did you…?”
She smiled at him. “I read your blog.”
Sherlock snorted.
She grinned. “Of course. How else am I supposed to keep an eye on him?”
“Wait, what about the girlfriend thing? I didn’t write that on my blog.”
“You run around solving crimes with Sherlock. My brother may be clever, but he’s hardly sociable. I doubt anyone could keep a date with him rushing about all the time.”
John grinned and she stretched. “Anything else?”
He shook his head. “Nope.”
“Good.” She looked at Sherlock. “Now let’s go see Mycroft.”

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