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“A murder!” Lestrade exclaimed as he entered the room, a few days later.
“Really?” The three looked at him with bored expressions.
He looked at them. John was reading a book. Sherlock was staring out the window, and Avery was lounging on the couch, pulling at her hair as she stared at the ceiling in abysmal hopelessness.
“Yes!” Lestrade said. “What’s got into you?”
They didn’t reply.
“A murder!” Lestrade said again.
“We heard you.” Avery said. The fights between them all had left an uncomfortable atmosphere, in which no one talked to each other unless it was absolutely necessary.
For some reason, unfathomable to John, Avery kept turning up at their door every morning, even though nothing ever came from it, and she spent most of her time on the couch, staring, as she was now, blankly at nothing in particular.
“Well aren’t you going to help?”
“Not really.”
Sherlock and John remained silent.
“We’re having a fight.” Avery pointed out. “A three-way fight. It’s impossibly hard to maintain, unless you spend the days together all pointedly trying to ignore one another. So that’s what we’re doing.” She lifted a hand and gestured to the other two. “See?” she let her hand fall back to her stomach. “It’s all dreadfully childish. So I’ve resorted to talking all old-fashioned like to pass the time, do you like it?”
Lestrade frowned, then turned to John. “What?”
“We’re, uh, fighting.”
“What, all of you?”
“Don’t ask.”
Lestrade paused. “Listen, I don’t really care. I need your help, Sherlock. Can you do this later?”
Sherlock turned to him.
“A murder, you say?”

The Third Holmes - A Sherlock FanficWhere stories live. Discover now