The Hornets

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The ‘Hornets’ Nest’ wasn’t a nest – obviously. Sherlock had pointed that out several times. But it felt like one to Avery – A nest of criminals, ready to attack at a moment’s notice. Sherlock hated… no, that was too strong a word – Sherlock couldn’t ‘hate’ anything – he intensely disliked the ‘Hornets’. Avery felt that it was partly to do with what amounted to jealousy. Not real jealousy, her brother, once again, couldn’t comprehend that. But he was ‘envious’ of her Hornet’s nest, of that she was sure. Her Hornets – as she called them – was a bunch of criminals and spies – like Sherlock’s Homeless Network, but better – not that he’d admit it.

There was a place for her Hornet’s to meet- The 'Nest' so to speak. A place they could meet and swap information, because they didn’t just work for her…they were a family. She was just the family head. It was there she headed now.

It was a nice, out of the way sort of place – a pub, in an alley. She walked there slowly. She wondered how they were doing – they hadn’t taken it kindly when she had told them she was leaving. She hesitated for an instance in front of the door. And then she smiled. This should be fun. 

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