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Hiccup's POV

When I had read the note, Toothless had flared his wings, raised his tail and roared. I had instantly covered my ears, but I could still hear his rage. I still couldn't tell how much he understood, but he clearly registered the threat.

Toothless had snarled, even though whoever wrote the note would have been far away, unable to hear him or acknowledge his threat. His ears stood on end, facing anything that moved. Yet he couldn't find anyone. Each time he came out empty a grumble would escape, yet he refused to let frustration beat him.

I had woken everyone immediately, to warn them of the invader. After gathering in the stables, everyone seemed much more at ease. Safety in numbers, I suppose. Even Toothless relaxed - well, slightly. Whilst the others slept, he had remained awake, his head on his paws and his senses always alert.

He was doing the same now, after a whole day of searching had found nothing.

Sighing, I looked around. All the riders were sleeping with their dragons, calm despite the hidden threat. Tomorrow seemed bleak. I knew plain flat out searching would have minimum results, but there wasn't much else we could do. Leaving now would leave the Edge vulnerable, ruining Berk's plans for it, as well as potentially leading the attacker straight to Berk. Not to mention the fact that it wasn't safe to pack, when an armada could be just around the corner.

Some of the dragons snored gently, causing me to chuckle. Alongside the riders' dragons, we also had a couple more deadly nadders and gronkles, all which were perfectly content sleeping side by side.

I smiled. They were safe and happy.

Suddenly Toothless shot up, letting out his clicks to ecolocate. He roared, throwing me onto his back, and took off. Confused, I looked for something that could be the source of his sudden distress. I squinted in the darkness.


Metal landed on metal from a height. The ringing came from where the twins had built their hut. Together Toothless and I dived, concerned at what on Earth was going on. We landed, instantly looking for the source. Jumping off, I checked behind bushes and trees, as well as the occasional rock but didn't find anything - or anyone.

"Grrroooww!" I ran to Toothless's call. He was under the twins' hut, staring into their now full boar pit.

"What the..." I mumbled. Axes, swords, a spear, throwing knives and even some daggers were piled on top of each other. The variants of metal glimmered, the handles contrasting against the reflexive blades. I frowned. Why would someone drag all our weapons all the way out here? Unless they were trying to be discreet, but the clangs gave them away. I reached to get one of Astrid's axes, feeling a slimy-oil like substance coating it.

Monstrous nightmare gell.

I gasped. They had tried to disarm us. Panic shot through me like the cold when stepping outside in the winter months. I grabbed handfuls of the weapons, forced to go slower as I didn't want to cut myself. A flicker of light caught my eye: a hovering torch. Toothless reared, charging. They threw it into the pit, but Toothless shot it. Now we couldn't see them at all.

They were invisible. Oh Thor help us now.

"Stay here and guard the weapons," I told Toothless but he looked uncomfortable. "Don't worry, I'll be careful, okay?" He grunted but sat at his post like a guard dog.

I ran. Each step made a slight thuding sound as I desperately raced to the stables. We needed help, and fast. Determined, I shut my mouth and picked up my pace. The attacker would not escape.

I burst in the stables. Closest was Astrid, looking so calm in her sleep. I woke her up quickly.

"Arrrgh!" she screamed, pulling twin knives from her hair.

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