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Freya's POV

As Hiccup left, I felt guilt grab my heart and squeeze. I shouldn't have said anything. I should've told Hiccup to ask Gustav - it was his story to tell.

Guilt gripped tighter.

Running a hand through my hair, I paced slightly. This was the first time I properly had the time to go over everything that had happened, as yesterday was a case of judging whether I was safe or not.

Guilt followed each event - leaving Swiftstrike, losing the Dragon Eye, blabbing about Fanghook, leaving home and the whole mission.

I paced faster.

There were slight breezes, but instead of being refreshing, they stabbed into my skin like tiny knives.

I stopped, clenching my fists.

I would not wallow in self-pity.

I had already wasted too much time doing nothing on Berk. I would free Swiftstrike and then try to save Fanghook - Fanghook most likely had longer to live.

My stomache grumbled impatiently.

I would get food.

Walking quickly from the arena, I pushed the negative thoughts away. I could deal with them after I saved Swiftstrike - or at least earnt some trust from the riders.


It wasn't long before I reached the village. As I walked through, people stopped and stared. Faint whispers caught on the breeze weighed me down.

A young child pulled on his mother's skirt, pointing at me. "Who's that?"

"Who?" she asked, not very intrigued.

"The new one, over there," he clarified. At the word 'new' she looked up, her eyes shrinking slightly in disgust.

"Now you stay away from her," she ordered. "She's a hunter."

I walked faster. Of course this would've happened. I shouldn't have expected anything less.

Pretending not to have heard, I searched for the Great Hall, where I was pretty sure I could find something to eat. Easily locateable at the base of the mountain, I found the space quickly, despite my lack of orientation abilities. I took a deep breath, and pushed open the doors.

Light flooded into the hall, causing a number of heads to look up. I held my chin up despite the many eyes and walked as confidently as possible towards a couple of people that looked around my age.

There were three of them, sitting at a table. Two looked unbelievably alike, whereas the last resembled a man marshmallow. Blue and green eyes followed me as I approached. Wait... I knew these people. They were some of the riders!

But it was too late to turn away now.

"Um... do you know where I can get something to eat?" I tried politely, getting a snort from the male twin.

"Tuffnut don't be rude!" the largest of the bunch scolded, turning back to me. "You're Freya, right?"

I nodded. "I didn't mean to intrude or anything," I glanced back at the male twin who was staring intensley at the wooden table.

"Don't worry. You must be starving," he exclaimed. A small smile pulled at the edges of my mouth. Maybe I could become friends despite what I had done?

The female twin groaned. "Why do we need to take care of her? She seemed perfectly capeable when she was attacking the Edge," she addedd with venom. Ashamed, I looked down.

The Girl with the Changewing Cloak (RTTE Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now