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Hiccup's POV

Please don't mess this up Snotlout! I thought, watching him run like a daft chicken, flailing his arms everywhere. I sighed, knowing I would be here awhile. The flock of wild dragons watched me, Toothless and Hookfang curiously.

The plan was simple: have Snotlout attract the attacker's attention, hopefully selling the idea that I was a sitting duck amongst all the wild dragons (even though we'd befriended all the wild dragons on this island by now, but they wouldn't know that). Then all the dragons would arrive, distracting them. Lastly, the riders would sneak up on them and snatch the cloak - leaving them vulnerable and exposed.

I knew that the attacker would only show if confident, so all the riders needed to pretend to be overpowered by the wild dragons or unarmed.

When I first suggested the plan, Astrid went mental, using the last axe to pin me to the wall. "No way Hiccup! They are invisible for Thor's sake! No way are you being a sitting duck for some Viggo-like plan!" I had to explain I wasn't, all my safety measures - such as having my sword Inferno hidden on my boot - before she eventually agreed.

I had instructed a gronkle to fire on my leg leg, pinning me down. Using a light flame, Hookfang weakened the lava in case I needed an emergency exit. We also had a fake night fury wing poking out from the cliff edge, whilst the real night fury hid nearby as back-up if anything went wrong.

I could hear wing beats approaching. Practically glowing in the moonlight, I could see Windshear flying powerfully. Her silver scales gave away her position, but her elongated neck and slick frame helped her stay in shadows. Behind her, I could see Stormfly, who was much less streamlined due to her upright frame. I could see Meatlug carrying Fishlegs, her small wings flapping furiously like a bee or hummingbird, as well as the twins on their zippleback. They dived, landing in front of me. Upon closer inspection, I could see the backs of all the dragons - only one of which carrying riders.

"Ruffnut and Tuffnut! Thank Thor you came!" I exclaimed, feigning relief.

"The others are helping Snotlout, but sent their dragons to clear away the wild dragons," Ruffnut explained loudly emphasising in odd places. She leapt if Barf and the zippleback head gave her a friendly nudge as the other head encouraged Tuffnut to get off. Almost groaning, Tuffnut followed her.

"Yup. So gronkle lava huh?" Tuffnut walked over, inspecting the mess. "Good thing it was on your metal leg right?"

I rolled my eyes. Of course he would say that.

"Yes Tuff. But Toothless wasn't as lucky, take the dragons and get him first," I ordered. The twins nodded, beckoning Barf and Belch over to the fake night fury. Stormfly, Meatlug, Windshear and Hookfang followed.

They made struggling noises, moving rocks and flora. Occasionally I saw flames from the corner of my eye. Not the most reassuring thing to notice, especially when the twins are in charge.

A silvery line dashed across. Squinting, I tried to look closer.

Everything settled except my soaring heartbeat.

"Guys!" Suddenly, I felt cloth clasped over my mouth. My eyes widened as I tried to bite the material - it was scaly, obviously the cloak. My arms were pinned to my sides, and I felt the pressure on my leg loosen. I kicked, hitting a knee and was released.


I was whacked in the back of the head and everything went dark.


Thump. Thump. Thump.

Where am I?

Thump. Thump. Thump.

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