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??? POV

Oh Thor, they heard me.

I had just dropped a dagger, causing a loud metallic clang to shatter the silence. I perched in a tree, hiding from their sight as I watched Hiccup leave for the others. I listened to Hiccup's steps, a thunk and a clank, until I couldn't hear them any more. Seeing him so afraid was rewarding, but I knew I would have to make the riders all feel much more threatened than this to get them off the island.

Silently, I dropped from the tree. The night fury's ears twitched and I held my breath. It didn't take a look, instead focusing on the metal. Sniffing the air, it was annoyingly very alert. Carefully, I avoided every leaf, twig and plant that could make a sound if stepped on. Once out of earshot, I quickened my pace and looked for the fire I had made earlier. Setting alight two more sticks, I returned to the pit.

Turning my attention to the night fury, I waited patiently for it to turn from next to where I was hidden, my heart beating a mile a minute. When it finally looked away, I threw both at once.

The night fury's sensitive eyes caught the movement, and it instantly shot at one of the torches. Yet it didn't have enough time to react to both, as the second torch landed on the weapons soaked in monstrous nightmare gell.

Instantly they lit up, melting and flaming and burning as bright as the sun. I smiled at the fire; I really did love flames. But now wasn't the time, as I was reminded of when the dragon came charging at me.

I dodged, but it wacked me with its tail. I stumbled, hitting a tree, running round it. The night fury used ecolocation to search for me, but behind the tree I couldn't be found.


Slowly I crouched, feeling for a rock, trying not to think about how gruesome being mawled to death would be. I found a stone, and threw it at its tail. It reared, shocked, as I darted away. Foolishly, I looked back, revealing my face. It charged after me, fury filling its eyes.

I threw my hands out, but I couldn't slow. I needed to find something, anything. I was panting hard, probably making myself an easy target, when my arm hit a branch. I grabbed it, broke it off the tree and turned in time to see the night fury leap on me, pinning me down.

It bit at my face, getting part of my hood, as I whacked it with the stick. It reared in pain, shocked, removing enough weight for me to get away. I controlled my breathing as I ran in an effort to be quieter. This time I didn't look back, I just put one foot after the other, my heart trembling.

Maybe this was a bad idea.

Maybe I shouldn't have left my island.

Gosh, I missed my family. My heart clenched, longing for my mother, who had always been kind and supportive. I longed for my brother, but that just gave me more reason to do this.

Just keep running!

"Just keep running," I gasped as I remembered. I was running quickly through the forest, dodging blasts from an angry death song. "Just keep running," my eldest brother yelled to me and my brother as we ran. I weaved through the trees, trying not to hear the wing beats or cracking of flora.

There were thorn bushes everywhere. Some were low enough to jump over, others had to be avoided completely. One was shot with amber, crystallized. I screamed as some sticky death song amber hit my hair, just enough to weigh me down but not stick me in place.

My brothers had the same problem. Amber was under their arms, some on their feet from near-misses. I saw the younger brother fall, but I pulled him up.

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