Epilogue and Author's Note

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Freya's POV

The coastal breeze whipped at my hair and I narrowed my eyes, brows furrowing in concentration. Swiftstrike shot forwards and I grinned, adjusting my grip on the spear.

"Now!" I yelled.

Swiftstrike pulled back sharply. I threw at the target as she flew upwards. Beneath us, dummy arrows whizzed past. I glanced down. The other Beserker Dragon Riders- also known as the Flight Team - were looking at us, some firing the practice arrows.

"Good job, girl," I praised, stroking Swiftstrike's neck. In response, she purred, gliding back towards the group. We landed with a soft thud.

"Who's next?" I asked.

Elervyn, who was the closest to my age, stepped forwards. "I am."

I nodded. Smiling nervously, Elervyn mounted her hobblegrunt and took off. They dove from the cliffs, their line of flight partially uneven. Elervyn raised her spear and threw it at the wooden target. It hit the stand and she groaned.

"That was good," I commented, walking towards them. Elervyn's blue eyes searched mine and I gave her a thumbs up. "You need to work on keeping your dive straight and not attacking too late."

"Yeah... thanks," Elervyn responded. It was awkward. I'd only been promoted recently and we still weren't sure how the dynamics of the team would work. Heather would always be the best teacher in my opinion.

I turned back to the rest of the Flight Team. Two teenagers and three young adults looked right back at me.

"Otrygg, your turn."

"On it!" He mounted his gronkle and took a spear, preparing for the same exercise.

After a while, everyone had improved their technique. With the summer heat, no one was particularly keen to keep straining ourselves. We relaxed on the beach.

It had been a year since the Dragon Hunters' empire had been destroyed, the tribe seeming to vanish into the outskirts of the Archipelago. Since then, we had developed all sorts of maneuvers and tactics. Beserker Island relied on us to keep them safe and we would not disappoint. Heather didn't and I wouldn't either.

Sometimes I missed my cloak. It had been incredibly convenient to simply disappear. But it was ruined, never to be used again. Perhaps that was a good thing. It proved I didn't need it. I could stand on my own, where I needed to be.

Swiftstrike cooed, dragging my attention back to the present. Beaming, I petted her side. Her rich scales had brightened, the unique pattern on her wings now much more noticeable.

"Freya, the A-Team is arriving," Elervyn informed. Instantly, the group leapt up to meet their friends. When the Berkians landed, I headed towards Gustav.

"Hey," he greeted as I pulled him into a hug.

"Hey yourself, you giant. You're not allowed to be taller than me," I pouted, stepping back.

Gustav smirked. "What a shame. See, the trick is to grow," he teased and I snorted.

"Whatever. How's the Fanginette?"

I walked beside him and greeted the female monstrous nightmare. The blue and yellow dragon licked my side and I scolded her playfully. Fanghook nuzzled her side, a somewhat childish grin on his face.

"Good, no, wait, better. Great. They're great," Gustav answered. He stroked Fanghook's neck. "I wasn't sure how bringing in a wild one would work, but they match exceptionally well. They may even have children next mating season."

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