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  I woke up from a knock on my door - semi-asleep -. I say something I don't even recognize and start drifting to sleep again but the God damn knock got bigger and louder. I groan getting from my bed if not from my sleep and start walking with eyes closed.

    I open my eyes with a yelp when I tripped over my own school bag and mutter cuss words out loud - most of them being non existent - and throw my bag kicking it and hurting my toes as well.

    What a night...Wait, night..what time is it?!.

    I saw from my window to the city which was sparking just like always and groan... Who the hell would wake me in the mid of a night? I hope not vampires..

What?! who would be up at mid night if not for them?

Yeah, but ghosts don't knock, they pass from it

My gosh! It was always a dream if mi-

    Knock.... Bang Bang in my door stop me from my thoughts. I went slowly, conscious...tip toeing from my bed to my door, still standing on my toe I slowly open the door and there stands no ghost, nor vampire neither werewolf... It's a beast who dared to wake me up in the midnight.

     Ace is standing folding his arms on his chest, bending over my doorframe with his eyes glued in the floor. When he recognize me standing he smile.

    "I can't sleep" he say still standing but his eyes fixed on mine. I scoff, ready to close the door, when he pass pushing me and leaning in my bed with his arms folded at the back of his head staring at the beautiful ceiling that I always admire before going to sleep.

    I glare and march towards him, arms folded.

"So?" I ask incredulously "I can sleep , now get the hell up from my bed and back to your room" I say.

    He opened his eyes which he closed when I start talking. Gah...and stare at me...more like my boobs. I stare at him wide eyed before slapping him on the forehead.

     He cough and chuckle before saying "I'm demanding to sleep here" he say..

I stare at him more wide eyed and laugh humorously when I know he wasn't kidding by the look on his face.

     "Are you kidding?" I ask and clear my throat " I didn't say that dramatically so I repeat ARE YOU KIDDING? "

    I mean I like never like again never slept with a guy except Aaron, not even with Dan..Don't take it too much but..

     "You are not sleeping here" I say crossing my arms again.
"Yes, I am" he say before grabbing my wrist and pulling me to him in the bed, in which I fall right on his chest. I struggle from his grip on my waist but he doesn't budge and close his eyes being comfortable in my bed..with me. "And you feisty, are sleeping with me"

     He rotate us so that we're sleeping side to side with his arms never leaving me. My back is attached more glued to his chest while his neck is in my shoulder. I stay on my place frozen to even move.

      His breath fanning my neck isn't helping my hardly beating heart to calm down. I can smell his breath,mint and.....cocoa chocolate...No way, nose you get it wrong.

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