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"Sometimes something happens"
    Let's just say I can't cook.

Groaning, Ace made a curse and glare at me sideways. I shrug standing from the counter taking my juice with me. I leave....or thought so since his hand is grazing my wrist.

I just don't know why, but tingles walk past my arms to my body shivering every piece of it. The burning sensation came on my wrist and my stomach twist in an odd way, my heart start beating harshly and faster. I don't even have my period now but it feels as I have it.

I see his hand and then to his eye that suddenly captured me within seconds. This past few days or weeks to be honest were weird for me, his eyes are suddenly beautiful like never, he captures me with them and I'm too afraid to even see him, things are odd even though it's the same. Ace is a friend and a roommate but with him,it's special I have to admit.

Everything is happy and giddy with him and I like his company specially to malls and stuff. Photos of we two filled my phone and his, to be honest, I haven't had any good shopping since decades. My last squad and I used to steal so we don't have that much fun, it's always stick to the plan. Occasionally we would have fun but that's when chasing with the guards after we got caught, w/c doesn't happen usually.

He cleared his throat removing his hands and glancing everywhere but me. I also did the same eventually. Awkward..ugh.

"You messed my kitchen and are just leaving?" He ask incredulously in disbelief.

Shrugging innocently I answer "What?? it's simply burning the stove and braking a few plates...besides you could afford it."

He scoff, "A few, you kidding... Feisty this are like 10 plates and my favorite glass, it's simple?!"

"Ace, don't take it that much...I was just trying to do breakfast"

"Yeah, do that when you can cook and in your kitchen, not on mine" he sigh "Anyway, we're late for school, we should go"

I didn't replay, just made my way to the door and silently. Gosh, am I getting kid. He just say nothing but the usuals and here I'm acting totally....I don't know, odd. I feel like someone splashed a hot and warm water on my face when he yelled but I always don't feel like that, it's as if I'm the new rebirth of Jercey. And I totally hate it.

Making my way to school, I plug my earphones and walk according to the beat till I felt someone stalking me, like following me, making my steps a little faster I heared a footstep dangerously near me.

Turning with a whiplash cracking my head I groan before seeing the same raper of mine grinning at me. I took a step back providing space b/n us as I stared at him weirdly. He says something but I don't hear him, he start talking again but I can't still hear him, later on, he moved so fast that I didn't get to defend when he plug my loud earphones out of my ear and say.

"Now, you can hear" his voice so deep and masculine with that Spanish accent.

"Yeah, I do" I say shrugging, moving ahead when he comes besides me and walk with me.

Minute, minutes, 5 minutes and then I can't help it. I turn to him.

"What do need, you psycho raper"

"Ow" he whine holding his heart"You hearted me, kinky"

"Don't call me that, bastard"

"As you wish, your loss" he gave his hands on a surrendering manner.

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