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Confusion is what I'm feeling right now and I'm sure you will too cause, maybe jut maybe some of you have felt you don't know something that you should know. I'm not talking about curiosity, but like you should have known, while you don't and now that they are telling you it gets confusing... Nonsense I know.

So the thing is Aaron is Ace's cousin, so Nessa is his step cousin but Blaire isn't his cousin, cause Blaire is Nessa's cousin from dad, so Aaron and Blaire aren't cousins... Whilst Nessa is his cousin w/ch he don't like, neither does she though.

In short Ace is Aaron's cousin! Triple crap...

We are seated in the sofa of our apartment, Aaron who thinks this is amazing with us,he still now didn't splash that cocky smirk -I used to like- from his face...and yeah I used -past tense- since I hate it now, since the moment he knew we lived together.

"So" Aaron start wiggling his eyebrows "How did this happen and why didn't you tell me that you live with my cousin?" He put a quotation on the cousin part.

I snort before answering, "Who knew you two were cousins.. And the same kind too" I mutter the last part.

"Sorry guys, I'll be quick" Ace interrupt wiggling his ringing phone.

We both nod and he stood from his place going to his bedroom, closing the door behind. Aaron and I sat there talking about the other squad and how he came or why specifically.

After a short period of time Ace came out flaring and frowning.. Huh.

Aaron has that worried face w/ch you see in films, when they are sure a bad thing has happened, quickly rising from his seated place, he took long and fast move to Ace holding his shoulder, moving him inside his bedroom, getting him away or them away...from ME.

      Run for your life everyone, disaster is coming my way..shit pop!!

I tried seating on my place trying to give them some space but curiosity is a disease no one can cure, so I got up and take a slow and short steps unlike Aaron, before reaching the bedroom, I still didn't get to see or take a view. Such a shame..

"- I know alright" I heared Ace say in whisper yell "but I can't lose Her, I can't just see him taking Sara away from me,like no way!"

Sara? Who is she??

I'm sure I've heared that name before but where did I- double shit!!

"You talking about John?"
"No" I say "the one who was talking to the brunette girl here"
"Yeah John, he was talking to Sara, they always meet here"

The other day, the girl in the club, who name Ace as John told me the beautiful girl he met at night was named Sara, could she be her??

    Twirl in my stomach aching me

The door opened me standing there and they saw me in horror while I replaid with a wide eye shocked. Did I get caught?

"Yep Honey" Aaron shook his head "You did"

"I swear," I defend quickly and strictly "I did hear like nothing"

"Good" Aaron put his arm on my shoulder "Now, are you going to show me the place you learn"

I knew he was changing the subject since he knew where I learnt, he was the one who told me the direction the first day to school, but I let it go and nod my head giving him the most approval and excited smile I could muster that time, cause I'm not pretty sure about my stomach and my lungs being OK...and I don't even know why.

We were watching Netflix seated on the couch and half on the floor. Some even aren't giving attention to it, like me example. Ace keeps coming on mind from time to time and also Sara, that...

I keep thinking how he was worried about her...whoever she is. How he wanted to protect her, whatever it cost. Slowly I began to think that maybe she is his girlfriend or someone he love.

Shaking my thoughts away with my head, I drag my eyes involuntarily to the movie that I don't even get to like...I mean why would someone go from the window while there is an unlocked door in front of them.

If you still didn't guess we are watching 'who is who'...gag but Ace...again I shake my head but totally no use at all.

It was about an hour when the film started, at the end I see Aiden and Austin crying with the film while Ace..I mean Haze is asleep and the rest two, Aaron and Nessa are arguing.

The door opened slowly and I turn my head so quickly that I felt a crack and a pain...not suitable for something fragile like me....ouch it hurts.

I heared Aaron chuckle beside me, massaging my neck where I felt the crack, soothing the pain. Noticing Ace at the door, I almost smiled but that's almost. I have some dignity you know, even though, it's some I do have it.

My face colour changed and a scoff escaped my mouth, for me only to hear. I dragged the nails of my finger to my palm draining blood and bringing a pleasured pain when I see a brunette haired girl smiling and following from behind him so close. So close that she almost bumped to him when he stood still.

I fake a smile, very faked that no one would notice it and wiggle my eyebright teasing him.

"Sarah" Haze said as a question.

"Hase" she say in a Spanish accent, grinning "ye, what's up..I thought ye were dripping ove  to sth, I don  know"

He chuckle and smiled at her.
"That was before, stupid"

"Don  call me stupid ye dipshit"

"Guys" Ace said "Guys, stop it and continue it for later and you guys" he say waving to us, "This is Sara, my friend" he smile then continue introducing us "Sara, this is Aaron I'm sure you know him by now. And this is Jercey, Nessa short for Vanessa and those are Aiden and Austin"

"Oh, I know Aaron" she wave "Where is Jayden, I ain't seeing him around often"

"He has some thing to work" Nessa replaid.

"Hi Jercey, I've heared a lot" she smile towards me after smiling to Nessa.

I gritted my teeth, but smile anyway when I see Ace blushing a little.

"And let me tell you Ace, if you weren't ma friend thyn I would have already sandwiched de girl.." She say making my brain go mad out of confusion.

"She is a lesbian" Haze whisper in my ear and again I almost smile. My lips just cracked upward and so I smile to her.

"Oh, really" I say excitement fulling me to inch "I'm glad, why won't we hang out sometimes?'

"Sure" she grin "When I get done with this wound"

She showed us her arm injured with a knife..no not knife but for sure...oh shit!!!
Sorry guys, late update...I will try updating soon if possible but I'm not sure but please like of not comment and support me huh!!
                         Lov ya, Habo-J

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