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"It's hard, it's hard when u see the guy you couldn't make happy is happy by another girl"
Claire's POV

Austin and Aiden are constantly arguing about it's m before n with each other... How dumb can this guys get?! I've only known them today and I'm already in love with them, they make me laugh...a real one too.

Nessa get in to the kitchen humming to a music and slapped Aiden at the back of his head as he whined out loud. I've known nessa since she became step brother of Ace. Her mother Georgia isn't much of my fan so I usually don't talk to Nessa either w/ch makes is a little distance but she looks a nice girl by the way everyone loves her and cherish her...I envy her!

I'm Claire without lots of things, My mother is alive but not my dad. He has been out of the pic for almost 10 years making us only us. I've stopped learning for two years and now I only learn in the weekends. Mom needs my help on financially. Dad was a guard to the Mathews family, Mom was a maid so I followed her trace when I was young but Mom stopped working there when she died.

"Where are the love birds?!" Nessa asked and plumped her temple slapping it and apologetically smile. "I mean Ace and Jer"

It hurts...God it stocked me like a bullet. The guy I was supposed to be with is no more with's all my fault I know, I should have protected him and refuse to his fathers request more like a deal but mom, mom also needed me the most that time and we were both underage.

Our difference is only I'm waiting for him to return and he already is happy with other girl. Sure Jercey is a great girl I can see that but why her, why not me...he is still with her w/ch makes her special.

"They're out somewhere they didn't tell us where" I gave her tight smile. She grin letting me know it's what everyone needs, Jercey and Ace..

Seating With on the counter them she start tapping on her phone. Haze came opening the door with a messed up hair as usual making him sexy as hell.

"Guys why aren't we getting out" he asked his hand on his lips and the other folded. He gave me a nod and a smile.

"Those two idiots are out by themselves" Austin grumble.

"Is he like going to propose or sth" Jayden also got in next to Eve.

"Never" Eve replied "He is a coward and they still didn't accept their feeling towards each other"

"True" Aiden and Austin say in sync.

Should I just stay here listening to them while they talk about my ex and crush at the time or shall I leave running from the pain?!

Deciding to my decision I left the kitchen tapping over my phone to seem consumed. Ignoring the cold of Bora bora I got when I left the mansion I went to the backyard enjoying my own company as usual.
Almost around night when everyone wasn't home I see as Ace pulled over the garage with Jercey on the passenger seat with a smile on both of their faces.

It's beautiful, he is beautiful and that smile makes him more beautiful if possible. He went out of his car followed by her, making their way towards the door Jercey started screaming.

"Little kids where are you?!" I chuckle at her voice but also noticing Ace's chuckle too.

"Little Kids are out in the beach," I replied "They got bored here"

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