chap no 20: terrorist

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Offer prayer first, your Allah calls for you. Answer him by praying.


Alina's pov:

"Because you are one of them.... a terrorist." A girl with blonde hair and grey eyes, said in utter disgusts. I had no idea, who the girl was, but she was giving me a reason to die.

Wow what a life.

"What make you think that I am a terrorist. I didn't remember bringing guns and booms to college. Or did I?" I questioned. My voice was laced with amazement. It was ridiculous to think that I am terrorist.

"Aren't you one of them.." she flipped her hairs back as she said.

I arched my eyebrow for her to continue. "A muzlim." Hatred was dripping from her rejoin.

"Yes I am a 'Muslim' but I am not a terrorist. A terrorist in fact is not a muslim." I explained.

"Do you believe me to swallow that!" She snarled. "I am well aware of you. Your people massacres other to please their religion." She finished.

"As I have said earlier terrorism are not muslim. My religion 'Islam' doesn't give permission to such a violence act." I elaborate calmly.

"Oh really! I am not ignorant! You all Muzlims are the reason of their suffering. You all Muzlims should die!" She criticized.

"No! Islam and terrorism is not related. In my religion to murder a person is like to murder the entire humanity." I resorted.

"Really." A boy challenge my statement. I didn't notice his features. I nodded in response.

"So can you explain why every terrorist attack is held by Muslims. Why always Muslims are involved not any other religion?" He questioned. As the blonde girl crossed her arm on her chest.

"That's not true at all!" Another boy from the crowd spoke.

"And who are you to interfere? A Muzlim? Aren't you?" The blonde girl said to the boy with utter repugnance.

"I also am a M-u-s-l-i-m" he pronounce the word Muslim accurately. As he stepped forward revealing himself out of the crowd. He had dark brown hairs, and brown eyes, maybe he is an Arab. Why exactly everyone is gathered here.

So excited for my death?

My gaze wander around the crowd. He might not be here. But I had to bit back my words when I found him smirking at me.

"One of over 1.6 billion people. Who are blamed whenever an act of terrorism occurs as if we are nothing more than this 6-letter word hijacked by those who wrongly use our religion to justify their heinous crimes." He finished. Anger and frustration radiating from his voice.

Before anyone could blame us again. Fatima decided to defend her religion. " terrorism is a violence. Which my religion blatantly stands against!" Fatima snapped in her high pitch voice.

"Oregon man accused of fatally stabbing two men who tried to intervene when the suspect yelled racial slurs at two young women who appeared to be Muslim on a Portland light-rail train. What about that? Huh? Don't you see that? Muslims are also suffering! And you say other religions are not involved?" That boy stated heatedly.

"Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror among masses of people; or fear. Don't you think you are creating the same? For what you are accusing us, you are becoming the part of them, by spreading fear." I tried to prove rationality.

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