5 - Truth Revealed

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Nala felt every moment the claws were in her back, although at the time she didn't know what they were. She holds Lilo close to her, the girl crying loudly at the force of them both being knocked over. There's commotion around her as she breathes heavy, numb, before the pain sets in and she cries out.

"NALA!" Emily screams and bolts over to her sister who Carlisle is already beside.

"Nala, I need you to let go of Lilo." He says gently as he touches her cheek gently.

"W-what- ah- ha-" she tries to form words, but all that comes out are sounds of pain. She tries to keep ahold of Lilo, where she knows she's safe, but someone takes her. She tries to roll onto her back but Carlisle stops her.

"No no Nala, you'll get them dirty..." He says as Edward quickly hands him a towel to put pressure on the deep claw mark gashes.

Right beside them as this happens, Jasper throws Seth across the yard, snarling in rage. He hurt his Nala. He hurt her and he will pay! Seth recovers fast and tries to stand fully, only to have several other wolves dog pile on top of him to hold him down. Edward rushes to help Emmett contain Jasper as Carlisle has Nala slowly sit up.

"Ok Nally, were gonna slowly head inside. I want you to lean on me as much as you can." He says as he and Rosalie help her stand. "Emily, go help Esme calm the baby okay? I promise she's okay."

Emily shakily nods and runs ahead into the house. Nala breathes heavy as Carlisle and Rosalie help her move slowly across the field. "What... happened?" She manages to say through gritted teeth.

"Seth... phased. Into a wolf." Carlisle says slowly. "He was too close to you, and his claws went into your back. Emily went through something similar."

Nala nearly collapses into Carlisle at the words; a wolf!? Emily was attacked by one too? Who!? She tries to shake her thoughts. "J-Jasper." She whispers.

"He'll be here soon, he's just cooling off." Rosalie says gently.


"No, he doesn't turn into a wolf either." Rosalie giggles and Nala gives a pained smile. By now they're just entering the house.

"Take her to the dining room; have her sit back to front on a chair and cut her shirt open for me." Carlisle orders Rosalie who nods, taking the weight of Nala off Carlisle who disappears upstairs. She manoeuvres the girl to the dining room table and sits her so she faces the bsck of the chair.

Nala rests her cheek on it and closes her eyes. "I'm d-dead right?" She whispers.

"No chance." Rosalie says as she ties the girls hair in a messy bun and tears the back of her shirt open.

"What..." She hesitantly begins to ask.

Rosalie knows. "Vampires. We're vampires."

Nala laughs weakly. "Oh I really am dead." She mumbles deliriously.

"I'll never let that happen." Jasper says as he kneels by her and takes her hands.

Nala opens her eyes a little and peaks over the top of the chair. "Vampire... should've known."

Jasper brushes her hair back. "We can talk about that when you aren't delirious from pain." He kisses her nose.

Carlisle sets some things on the table. "Are you okay being here Jasper?" He says sternly, knowing his son's struggle with blood. Rosalie has already left the room, and Emmett can't be near the house right now.

"I'm fine."

Carlisle sighs, knowing that would be his answer. He won't leave his mates side, just how Edward used to be. He gently touches along the sides of the wounds which stretch from her left shoulder to her right hip, stretching diagonally across her back. She hisses in pain.

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