17 - A Change Of Plans

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Nala slowly comes to, everything hurting as her eyes manage to focus. She looks at the stairwells above her and then slowly tries sitting up, crying out in pain as everything hurts. "Shit." She shakes as she tears, moving a hand to her tummy.

"Please be okay, please please." She whispers, tearing more as she feels the baby wriggle a little. She slowly forces herself to sit up, assessing what happened. She glances at the top of the stairs and remembers vaguely the feeling of hands on her arms, the force of being pushed back. Who would push her? Why would someone push her?

She can't think of that now. She shakily pulls her phone from her pocket and shakily puts it to her ear. It dials for a moment and as soon as they answer she rushes to get her words out. "Carlisle I n-need you to come to the south stairwell. Please, quickly." She gasps hanging up a moment later and letting the phone fall, too much pain everywhere for her to both about picking it up again.

Moments later Carlisle is knelt beside her. "Nala!? I need a gurney now!!" He yells. "I got you, what happened?"

"I-I was pushed." She whispers as he and another doctor lift her onto the gurney and quickly wheel her to the ER.

"Let's get ob in here, and call my son." Carlisle orders.

"No no no you will not call Jasper!" She orders. "Not until we know what's happened."

"Nala, he should know-" he stops talking as she glares, going back to assessing her. So many familiar faces all rush in to help, her team, her friends all frantic about her and her baby. It's a nice feeling, or it would be if she wasn't in so much pain. She refuses pain meds because of the baby and she manages to talk Carlisle out of anything but a quick Xray, refusing to expose her baby. She knows these things are safe, but she doesn't know what damage she has done to her baby already. She won't do anymore.

Of course she blames herself. Maybe no one touched her - she tripped because she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. Maybe she fell because she was running up the stairs almost 7 months pregnant. Maybe she's just a clutz and shouldn't be left alone.

Carlisle orders everyone around, hating that his daughter is on his watch. As soon as the ob doctor walks in he hounds her, watching over her shoulder as she does an ultrasound.

"Baby's good, there's no signs of any trauma to her. She's very lucky." She says.

"Do you mean she me or she her?" Nala mutters as she tries not to move too much, her pelvis causing her the most pain.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know. I'm sorry." She says again, feeling guilty she ruined the gender for a patient.

"No no it's fine.. I'm glad she's good." She whispers forcing a smile. The doctor and Carlisle step aside, annoying Nala more than she already is.

"If her pelvis is broken there will be no chance of a natural birth. Best shot for mom and baby is to deliver soon-"

"No." Nala says sternly as she interrupts the two talking. "Not a c-section. And I won't have another preemie baby. Not if I don't have to."

"It's the safest-"

"My fiance, h-he's afraid of blood. He can't miss the birth of his first child." Nala says sternly. "And if she's safe in me why take her out!"

Neither respond, both just sigh. Carlisle thanks the doctor and leans on the railing, looking down at Nala. She glares up at him. "Are you gonna get this neck brace off me or am I gonna have to do it myself."

He rolls his eyes and gently helps her take it off, raising the bed as she winces. "Nala, we both know your pelvis is broken. You can't deliver if your pelvis is broken."

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