11 - Madness

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Nala shakes as she sees who's stood there, his face pained and worried - exhausted more than anything. "Nal... Please." He begs.

Carmen takes her hand. "Nala, breathe." She rests her other hand on the girls cheek, making her look down at her.

Nala swallows hard and takes a shaky breath as she looks into Carmen's warm honey eyes. "M-make him go."

"I can't do that, but what I can do is help you calm down okay? In and out." She says, showing Nala to take deep breaths.

She does so shakily, refusing to look as Jasper growls. "YOU SON OF A BITCH. AH FUCK KATE!" He cusses as Kate shocks him with a slap across the cheek.

"Enough!" She snaps and looks at Jasper. "You, inside. You-" she points to Nala, "- calm the heck down because Lilo can see you all. She doesn't understand what's happened in the past, she still adores you all. Even the mut."

Nala nods small and glances at him. Seth. He stands in just shorts, his hair shaggy and his body tense, yet somehow sluggish. "Wh-why." She demands.

"I need you. Please." He begs, desperate. He needs his best friend back, practically his sister more than his cousin.

"You... You almost killed me. And Lilo." She growls, glaring, the fear leaving her entirely. "You allowed yourself near us knowing what could happen!? I can never forgive you for that - you're so lucky it was me and not her. I don't want anything to do with you!" She screams.

A tear falls down his cheek. "Please..." he whispers as his voice breaks. "I have nothing anymore. They all hate me for what I did... I hate myself too. I never should have lost it with you and Li around, I shouldn't have gotten close to. I have self control I just... I don't know where that came from." He whispers as he stares down shaking his head as he still struggles to understand.

"You're jealous. And selfish. I don't want that around me or Lilo-"

"Come on, Nally, I didn't do it intentionally! I have always protected you, I have always done what's best for you - I will never sleep properly again knowing what I did to you but I will never let anything like that happen again. You're all I have - please don't push me away too." Seth whispers the last part, a tear falling down his tanned cheek.

Nala's hands shake. "Everytime I close my eyes I can see that night. Everytime I look in the mirror. Everytime I hear a dog growl even on the freaking tv. Everytime I smell a bonfire. The thought of being near you... Makes me sick. I cannot forgive you right now. You have irreversibly changed my life and you need to accept that."

"I do - I do accept that, trust me. But I do not accept that it has ended every part of us, we are family no matter what. I was there for your first break up, passing your driving test, having Lilo, the time you watched your dad get arrested. I've been there from day one for you just as you have for me and if you think I will just let that go then you're very wrong. Family doesn't quit on each other."

"Heck they do." Nala says. "Did you know Emily was sending that letter?" she crosses her arms; Seths face twists and Nala bites back a scoff. "So that's a yes. You didn't think to stop her? You didn't think to maybe let me know or Jacob or someone who could have stopped her or prepared us for that? I'm on the tip of losing my daughter because of that - now that's on your shoulders too buddy." She turns to walk away.

"Okay - I was wrong for doing that but none of us knew what he was doing, we just thought he was an ass. I... I didnt want her to send the letter but I didn't stop her and it is now another thing on my shoulders. How can we ever move on and learn in life if we never make mistakes or forgive? I don't want you to run and hug me, I know you're terrified of me, but I do want you to try and look at me. Look me in they eyes and tell me to leave and I will go - for good. I won't go back to Forks and I won't contact you again. If I can't get you to so much as look at me then I know there's no chance of this ever being resolved."

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