21 - Take A Breath

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Jasper waits anxiously by the big living room window; he's waiting for Peter and Charlotte, two friends he freed as newborns from Maria, to arrive. Its early morning, too early for Nala and the girls to be awake, so he can talk properly with them. But, as usual, Effie begins to stir around 5am.

He gathers her up in a blanket, bringing an extra down with him just as he hears the distant sound of a vamp running. He looks at Effie as she chews her fist, half asleep as she watches him. "You wanna meet daddy's friends?" He coos as he wraps her up a little more.

She smiles around her fist at him and he chuckles, looking up as the trees rustle gently. Peter and Charlotte walk across the big yard towards his home and he smiles, walking to open the door. He slides it open and steps out, keeping Esther swaddled tightly against him.

"Brother. Its been so long." Jasper says as he hugs his friend.

Peter, so young and baby faced when he was changed, smiles at his old friend. "It has. A lot has changed I see." He nods at the swaddle.

Jasper smiles proudly. "Yes it has. Charlotte, it's lovely to see you again. Come in, my daughter and wife are still sleeping but it allows us to discuss things before you meet them."

They nod and follow him in. "Who would have thought Jasper Whitlock as a family man?" Charlotte teases gently as they watch Jasper set Effie in the bassinet.

He chuckles and sits on the couch, both facing him. "Yes, it shocked everyone. But when you find your mate it all changes. Like you, Peter; you found courage."

He smiles sheepishly. "I guess so. Though I wouldn't have had any without a mentor like you."

Jasper smiles fondly at the boy. "You did all the work."

"It's lovely to catch up after these last few years, but what did you call use here for Jasper?" Charlotte leans forward, glancing at the bassinet. She, like many females of her kind, longs for that baby to be hers. To be someone she created and nursed through life.

Jasoer shifts and sighs. "How did you know Maria was coming for me?"

"A few old faces contacted me to inform me she was searching for you. Evidently she found you, but you haven't said why. Is that why we're here?" Peter frowns as he leans forward on his elbows which rested on his knees.

"Yes... Maria came to me. Asked for help. I said no, of course, turned her away - that woman causes nothing but pain wherever she goes. But my mate is hormonal. So she agreed we'd help Maria." He growls a bit.

"I'm not hormonal. You just don't understand human emotions." Nala says sternly as she comes down in her silk robe and unicorn jammies, her hair in a messy bun. She crosses her arms over her chest. "Do you always have secret meetings without me?" She raises an eyebrow teasingly.

"Of course not. Nala, meet Peter and Charlotte. Peter, Charlotte, meet my mate and future wife Nala." Jasper goes over and kisses her.

Nala smiles shyly as she cuddles into Jasper's side. "It's lovely to finally meet you both, I apologise for not looking presentable."

They both shake her hands. "Don't be silly, it's rather early for you." Charlotte smiles gently.

"What are we all discussing then?" Nala asks as she goes over to the bassinet and picks up her baby.

"I just got her to sleep." Jasper scowls.

Nala smirks as she sits by him and rests the baby on her chest. "Yes well my boobs are beginning to ache so she needs to wake up."

He rolls his eyes, giving an apologetic look to his friends at his mates openness. He explains. "I haven't quite gotten to telling them what I called them here for."

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