26 - Obstacles Arise

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The air is cold, tense and silent as everyone stares at the unwanted guests. It's just the three brothers - dressed all in black and looking as hard-faced as ever. Nala stays half hidden by Jasper, shivering a little; this catches Aro's eye as Jasper shrugs his jacket off and rests it over her shoulders before pushing her behind him again.

"Isn't this a happy day." He says, smirking.

No one responds.

He pushes his cloak back and begins to pace ever so slowly, looking at them all. "See... I did have one issue to discuss with you on a friendly basis, but now I don't know if I can... Seeing as there is yet another human involved with your coven."

"We have already proved that humans are of no risk to our kind. What more could you want? You left us to it." Edward says coldly - he hates these people. Hates with a burning passion. The respect he once had, despite not entirely agreeing with the law makers, has burned away far quicker than it grew.

"Oh but you made the same mistake twice. See, I thought you'd all learnt your lesson." He sighs. "What to do..."

Jasper growls. "Leave. This is my wedding day, I won't have it ruined."

"Congratulations, we should have bought a gift." Caius mutters sarcastically with an eye roll added on the end. He could be beautiful, Nala notes, if he didn't have such a sour expression permanently etched on his delicate face.

Jasper rolls his eyes in return. "I think you will remember clearly what happened last time you opposed how we live and love. Let's not have a repeat of that, some of us may actually pay this time." He says coldly. He's sort of hunched - ready to pounce.

The air is silent, broken by the cries of Effie. Nala instantly looks over as they grow closer, Emily appearing in the door with the distressed infant. She pulls away from Jasper and takes her, holding her close.

Aro gasps. "Is that... No, she's human..." He tuts, disappointment thickly overtaking the excitement that was momentarily in his annoying voice. "You had a human baby... Why?"

"Because that's what people do. I'm a person, not just a cold blooded killer." Jasper snaps as he moves a little to be entirely in front of his mate and baby; Effie is much more settled in her mom's arms as she coos to her, the bride finding having her baby close by a soothing thing in this situation.

"I made my choices and they led me here. I fell for a human - silly me. I adopted my daughter - silly me. I had genuine feelings for the first time in over a hundred years... Silly. Me." Jasper says coldly, glaring at Aro.

"Fascinating." He breathes. "How you believe we can be capable of such-"

"Think? I believe there is sufficient evidence to know humans and us can live together in a safe and healthy manner. Bella and Edward. Jasper and his family. Renesmee... She's human too, she's an prime example of how we can coexist. Isn't that enough? Do you really have to want to destroy everything that isn't political, beneficial or 'worthy'?" Carlisle bursts. He's always been very open to others ways of life, but now he grows tired of theirs - he can't bare to see his family go through this all again. He won't see it.

Marcus speaks for the first time, his voice frail and soft spoken. "Humans... Are the bane of our existence. Its like giving silver to a wolf." His eyes move to Seth, Jacob and some of his brothers, his head tilting in curiosity.

"Ironic that a vampire would be one to cave to folk lore and myth." Jacob rolls his eyes.

"Oh trust me, boy, you aren't the only breed out there. We aren't the only monsters." Caius spits. "How nieve."

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