8 - Sisters Don't Do That

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Jasper watches Nala as he drives. "Why do you so badly want to see your sister?" He asks as he looks back at the road.

Nala looks over, her cheek resting on her palm and her elbow on the car door. "Because.. I have to tell her something. And I kinda have to tell you something." She says slowly. Over the last day or so she's deliberated on how to tell him what Alice saw, and what it means. She's terrified. But she won't get a better opportunity; Lilo is out shopping with Rosalie and Alice, and she knew she had to tell Emily sooner rather than later, so today has to be the day. She's decided to do it casually, to not make a fuss, because she doesn't want a fuss. It'll be made that if she were to take Jasper aside and stumble over her words - he'd overreact.

Jasper pulls the car over and turns to look his his mate, tilting his head as his face shows his confusion and the beginning incline of something deeper. "Okay... What do you need to tell her, and me?"

Nala sits up and takes Jasper's hands, knowing he'll be calmer to her touch. "Taylor... He's coming."

Jasper stiffens as his eyes widen, his jaw clenching and his teeth grinding together. He refrains from clenching his fists for the simple fact he'd crush his mates hands, but every other muscle tenses. "What do you mean.. He's coming." Jasper says slowly.

Nala sighs and strokes his cheek. "Emily wrote to him. Probably thinking it'd get me away from you, somehow make me go back to him so she could see me and be in my life - of course she's made the decision not to be in it but apparently that's my fault." She grumbles, side tracked a little. "What she doesn't know is... Taylor is a bad man. He's hurt me in more ways that anyone ever has and his family will destroy me the moment they get chance to. He's going to try take Lilo from me, destroy my life in doing so." She whispers.

Jasper cups her face and makes her look at him. "You know I won't let that happen. We will outsmart him. I'm at least 4 times his age." Jasper smiles lightly, trying to lighten her mood. "Nothing bad is going to happen."

"Promise?" She whispers.

He nods and kisses her gently. "I won't let anything happen to you or Lilo. Nothing. I swear on my entire existence."

She smiles and kisses back for a moment before resting her forehead on his. "Alice has apparently got people on the case... Whatever that means." She giggles small and sits back as Jasper does.

He begins to drive again. "Jenkins, possibly, and maybe a few old friends. You make a few connections when you're my age." He teases.

Nala smiles gently. "Thank you." She muses.

"For what?" Jasper chuckles as he frowns.

"Not overreacting." She puts a hand on his knee.

He smiles and takes it into his own. "Well, love, on the inside I'm going crazy. I am over reacting. But I know that isn't what you need, so I'm keeping cool - isn't that amazing? I didn't overreact."

"Bravo, baby, bravo." Nala giggles as Jasper smiles, the sound melting him. He loves that sound, followed closely by Lilo's giggle. "I'm proud."

He winks and squeezes her hand as he feels her tense, recognising the turning onto quileute territory. Jacob arranged a meeting point at the old treaty line, which has recently come back into play in the sense that each species stays in their own territory, bar Jacob and Ness.

Nala tenses further as she sees Sam, Emily, Seth, Leah and Jacob waiting by some trees, all their expressions the same - blank. "Jasper, I can't... Not with him here." She whispers as her chest tightens.

He stops the car about 50 metres away, not wanting to be any closer. "It's okay. We're here on your conditions." He says gently before he kisses her hand and climbs out. He walks around to the front of the car, his hands in his pockets. "Seth goes." He says simply.

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