25 - Bells Are Ringing

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Nala smiles as she sees her phone ring; she gentle sets Effie beside where Lilo sleeps in her bed and tiptoes to the bathroom, her silk robe flowing behind her. "I thought you'd forgotten me." She whispers .

Jasper chuckles on the end of the line. "Never. Sixteen hours and I will officially get to call you my wife - finally."

"You've called me your wife for years now." Nala smirks as she sits on the edge of the tub.

"I have, but now it'll be real." Jasper sighs happily. "How are the girls?"

"I finally managed to get Lilo to sleep, literally 20 minutes ago. It's almost midnight, she's going to be exhausted tomorrow."

He laughs; Lilo has been more excited than even Alice about the wedding. "Yes, well I'll have Rose make sure she naps before she gets ready."

Nala smiles, all gooey inside as she talks to her husband-to-be. "I feel like a lovesick teenager."

"We are lovesick teenagers." Jasper says as they both laugh. "I gotta go, Emmetts getting hangry."


Nala laughs a little at the man's protest in the background. "Okay okay. If he's hangry you better protect the bears, they'll need it."

"Ha ha!" Emmett booms in the background.

Nala knows Jasper rolls his eyes before responding. "I love you Miss Holt - Almost Miss Whitlock."

"I love you too, Major Whitlock."

"Goodnight ma'am." He smiles.

"Goodnight, my major." She whispers before the line goes dead. She sighs and sets her phone on the counter as she slips her robe off and runs the bath. She relaxes down and closes her eyes, trying not to stress. Her wedding was planned with the help of half a dozen vampires, nothing will go wrong, nothing will be missing. Because of that fact she also knows there will be a generous, but safe, layer or snow on the ground - thank you, Alice, for the perfect timing.

She smiles a little; she always wanted a winter wedding, and a snowy back drop. Jasper reminds her of snow and winter, plus her favourite season is winter. Lilo cannot wait to walk her momma down the aisle and she can't wait to have the same name as everyone else in her family. Her girls are Whitlock, and now she will be too.

She smiles to herself as she washes, climbing out and wrapping a fluffy towel around herself; she checks the girls before going to the closet to admire her dress and grab some jammies, training her fingers over the dress ever so slightly. It isn't white or ivory, it isn't lacey or poofy, and it isn't traditional. But is anything about her life traditional? No. And she loves it just that way.

Peter and Charlotte are coming back for the wedding, even though its only been a few short weeks since they last saw them. The Denali coven will be there, the wolves... Even Emily. It was a difficult decision to make - as it should be for anyone - and she only sent the invite a few days ago so maybe she won't turn up, but the olive branch is growing and that's all she wants to focus on. No more negativity.

"Knock knock?"

Nala peaks out of the closet and smiles at Alice waving her in. She tiptoes in, smiling at the girls, before coming in the closet, too; she sets her bag on the vanity as Nala sits back. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you're exactly on time."

Alice grins. "It's me, of course I am. How are the nerves?"

"Building." Nala sucks her teeth and bites her lip. "I'm terrified. But I know he won't leave me and I know he loves me more than I ever deserve so I'm ready."

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