Chapter 3 - Model Behavior

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It's been 4 months since Christian and I started whatever we were and having never been the object of someone's unwavering attention before, I can't deny.. it's flattering. I'm just a little confused because I don't exactly know what he wants from our situation-ship. He hasn't even kissed me yet. I've been trying to mentally dissect all these mixed signals and was getting nowhere. He would act super touchy and flirty whenever we met up, but by the end of the night that's all it was, flirting. He has to know I'm interested because I'm always flirting back. At least I think I am. This is the second-guessing part of relationships I've always dreaded.

We've already grown so close, learning almost everything there was to know about one another. I knew about his grandparents raising him and his brothers after his parents passed away and I didn't feel the usual reluctance explaining my relationship with my mother, or my father's death.

He went on to tell me about his companies in property sales and how in his business, people were always scared of him and he liked it that way. Intimidated, sure, but I could never imagine someone being scared of the sweet, funny guy that I was spending most of my time with. Real estate must be a vicious game.

The more I learned about Christian, the more I found myself thinking about him, and wanting him. If it's a friendship he wanted, he wasn't making it easy. There was no denying my attraction to him and according to Dani we should "just spare everyone the back and forth and fuck already."

Lately, we've gotten into the habit of spending most the day talking about everything and anything from the minute we woke up

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Lately, we've gotten into the habit of spending most the day talking about everything and anything from the minute we woke up. Today was not one of those days. I didn't get the usual 'good morning' text, so I sent him one instead, no reply. I'm gonna call him during my lunch break to check if he's alright, but until then I had a shit ton of work to do.

I'm done toeing the line, today I'll find out if he's interested in me or not. It's been months, I can't waste any more time wondering. I'm nervous and hope he says yes but if he doesn't, I still have the option of crawling into a hole and dying of embarrassment. 45 minutes until my lunch break and I'll get my answer.

My boss Richard tapped my shoulder trying to get my attention. "You look like you're having second thoughts? Don't. I love this layout, it's perfect for the Siriano dress, you did good kid." We were currently standing in the brightly lit studio while a photographer shouted directions to the model I had styled. This was my first solo project, designing and creating the cover of this week's issue of the company magazine. I was so proud seeing it all come together knowing I had prepared everything on my own.

"Thank you. The dress was the most eye catching of the collection and the floral detailing plays so well off the set it'll look amazing on the cover, but that's not what I'm worried about."

"That boy you're dating? I told you these New York trust fund babies aren't good for you. They're entitled and act above everyone else. I'm surprised someone as smart and skilled as you would even give one of those boys a chance. Not to mention, you're way too beautiful to ignore the eligible flock of men trying to pursue you."

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