Chapter 8 - Trust Me

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Alesha felt so much confidence right now, she was unsure of what came over her. She just knew it was long overdue. She had always been comfortable with Christian saying dirty things and touching her body, but that was their flirting. This was different territory they were about to step into.

In the car Christian couldn't keep his hands off of her. Not even giving Roberto the chance to get out and open their door, he had her slung over his shoulder running up the stairs. His deep laugh and her vibrant shrieks and giggles were the only sounds echoing throughout the quiet mansion. When he got to the master bedroom, which was about the same size as her entire apartment, she pat his butt before he sat her down on the edge of the bed.

Gazing up at him, she nervously bit her bottom lip noticing how lustily he stared back at her. His usual emeralds were now so dark they appeared black. He removed his jacket before undoing his tie, unbuttoning his shirt and throwing them all to the floor. Staring in awe at his chiseled stomach, she could feel her heart trying to escape her chest it was beating so hard. Leaning down, he locked his lips to hers, satisfying both their needs to taste one another.

Breaking the kiss, she stood up stepping away from him. He was thrown by her sudden need to get away from him. "Do you not want to do this, because we don't have to."

She shook her head, heart still pounding and hands trembling. He stepped toward her, staring expectantly, waiting for her to explain what she was thinking. Almost as if she read his mind, her thoughts rambled off of her lips. "I feel kinda weird about having sex with you in a bed that you've had sex with other women in." She threw her hand to her forehead slightly embarrassed. "It's not a big deal, I'm just overthinking things."

Seeing how nervous she was made him want to be patient and prove to her how much more she meant to him in these few months than they ever did in those lingering years; but another part of him wanted to strip that innocence from her. He wanted to be the only one she felt truly safe around. He wanted her to feel just as confident taking what she wanted from him as he was about to feel taking what he needed from her.

He stood in front of her pulling her hand from her face as he spoke. "Since I bought the place this room's been off limits to everyone, even me. Dani's been trying out some designs but that's it, no one has been in this bed."

His calming tone tried to soothe her, but her chest continued the rapid rise and fall motion as his bulge pressed against her stomach causing fresh goosebumps to form all over her body. "Why?"

Bringing his lips just below her ear, he spoke softly. "I hoped there would be one woman I would do anything for, so I kept this for her. Just didn't expect to find you."

"It's nice, Dani did a good job." Her words were shaky as she tried to breathe through the tickling sensation she felt as his tongue glided over skin.

He pulled his head back wearing a smirk as he raised a brow in disbelief. "You wanna talk about Dani right now or do you want to kiss me? Cause I can take care of what's going on and come back in 20 minutes." He teased adjusting the protruding boner in his pants.

She chuckled taking his face between her hands and pulling him to her. He imprisoned her lips greedily, their tongues eager to feel one another. Clinging to her with an urgency, he never wanted to let go. His hands wandered past her waist, straight to her ass. Grabbing it, he squeezed and massaged with fierce dominant rubs as he pressed himself against her. The action made her breath hitch in her throat as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter.

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