Chapter 10 - I Know

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I won't lie, seeing how she got the boys' attention aggravated my jealous side. I don't care where they gawk as long as it's not at her. At least we were leaving soon so telling her to go get dressed gave me time to let the boys know where they stood. She left to head back upstairs and I turned to Toni and Seb.

"You guys have a good stare?"

Demetri raised a brow, shook his head and turned to the bowl of cereal in front of him.

Demetri raised a brow, shook his head and turned to the bowl of cereal in front of him

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Antoni and Sebastian looked to each other trying to decipher the right thing to say. Seeing them flustered made me bust out laughing, they joined in with a sigh of relief. I wasn't seriously worried about them making any moves on my girl, they've seen me do worse for less, but even then I don't want them looking too close. "Seriously, don't." I deadpanned

We were about to go back to planning out the day when Demetri spoke up.

"Wasn't that the front door just now?"

"What are you talking about?" I grabbed one of my guns from under the sink and left the kitchen as the boys followed with their own weapons in hand. Stepping into the hall I see Alesha standing at the unlocked door, talking through the cracked opening. A mixture of fear and anger surged through my body. An unexpected visitor is never a good thing when it comes to the people I know.

"Alesha get away from the door! Who is that?!"

I sprint over to her ready for anything. I gripped her upper arm and pulled her beside me and took a step in front of her. I didn't clock she still had a hold on the door handle so when I yanked her, it came swinging open too. Gun ready by my side, I saw the face causing all this unease. As much as I hate her, I was grateful it wasn't someone more malignant. Then again...

"What the fuck do you want Charlotte?"

The boys rolled their eyes making their way back to the kitchen, already knowing she was most likely about to cause some drama. Before walking back, Seb covertly took my gun so Alesha wouldn't see it.

Oh shit, Alesha. I was too caught up in the possibility of something happening to her, I didn't realize how harsh my grip was. I finally looked down to her sweet face only to see she was a little rattled. I quickly release my clutch on her arm knowing I fucked up. I open my mouth to apologize and instead I'm brought back to the fact I have a headache to handle.

"You know, I love it when you make a fuss over me schmoopy. You should get a new maid though, this one wouldn't let me in; almost scuffed my YSL pumps, these are the ones you got me for my birthday too."

That fucking pet name and the baby voice makes me wish Seb hadn't taken my gun.

"Charlotte, I'll only tell you this once, watch your mouth, especially when it comes to her." I point behind me to A. "Don't come back here and make me do something you'll regret."

"Dammit Christian! I just wanted to talk to you about the charity auction on the 16th."

"A month from now? What about it?"

"I found the perfect dress to go flawlessly with your blue tux. Be at my place by 8, I want to get there early, I heard that bitch Nina Westbrooke wants to outbid me for the 19th century Monet so daddy and I need to have a little talk with the auctioneer beforehand."

"Your best friend Nina?"

"Yes. So meet me at my place 8 sharp."

"What about our situation makes you think I'll be doing any of that?"

Before she could say anything, I felt myself reach the limit of what I could tolerate and I slammed the door in her face.

Before she could say anything, I felt myself reach the limit of what I could tolerate and I slammed the door in her face

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Now she was done with, I turned around with my apology ready for Alesha, but she was gone. I didn't even hear her walk away. I thought I fucked up before, there was no question about it now. I made my way upstairs knowing that's most likely where she went.

Getting to the bedroom I see her folding my t-shirt, already changed into her dress from last night and I can't help but feel like a piece of shit when I see a bruise forming on her arm. She must've heard me come in the room because she started talking with her back turned.

"You know, I thought I recognized her. She was the model at my shoot yesterday, looked shocked when I mentioned you. Knowing your past I should've put 2 and 2 together."

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to grab you like that."

"Why were you even freaking out?"

"I just- I wasn't expecting anyone other than the guys and I got a little overprotective."

Turning around she let out a scoff, shaking her head at me in disbelief. "I know there's something you're not telling me. Ever since I met you, there's been something off and I chose to ignore it and play the fool because 'the cute guy makes me laugh and I'm happy with him' but I'm done. I don't know if it's because you don't trust me or what. It's like you've got this second side that I never see. Well, it ends now, you either tell me the truth or we go our separate ways. Your choice."

Her calmness was eerie. I looked at her unable to say anything because the lies won't come quick enough and even if they did, I don't think I could, not to her. Taking my silence as an answer she gave me a nod, grabbed her shoes, jacket and purse and headed for the door. I stepped in front of it blocking her exit, hoping she would change her mind.

"Babe come on. Just take a minute and relax."

"I am relaxed. Christian it's fine, you've made your decision and now I'm making mine."

It felt like everything was moving at a distorted pace and I couldn't stop her, so I did the only thing I could think to make her stay.

"I'm head of the Italian mafia."

She could probably see my heart hammering against my chest the thing was beating so hard. Waiting for her reaction put my nerves on edge. She took a deep breath and sighed.

"I know."

JJ x

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JJ x

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