Chapter 30 - Losing Everything

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I sat up in bed listening to the calming patter of the running shower. There must be something on his mind; Christian never wakes up this early without spending at least 30 minutes on his phone playing videos trying to 'accidentally' wake me up and make me keep him company while he got ready. He was definitely in his head and it was most likely my fault. I know I've been distant lately but last night helped. All the crying probably had my eyes looking red and puffy, but I felt better not holding it all in like I had been.

I was so wrapped in my own thoughts that I hadn't realized the shower stopped, not until he walked out of the bathroom with a towel tightly folded around his waist. He looked up, meeting my eyes with his clear green ones, but they showed no emotion. He didn't wear his standard smile or a sexy smirk, nothing.

Instead, he broke his gaze and headed for the walk-in closet. "Morning, I didn't mean to wake you."

"You didn't, I guess I just wasn't as tired as I thought." I called out a little louder, my throat still slightly sore.

Nothing. No quips, no conversation. His silence was new and unsettling. I was usually pissed that I could never get him to stop talking in the mornings, but right now I was missing the familiar routine. He walked back into the open space with his shoes and suit pants already on, buttoning up the crisp white dress shirt. He went around the room collecting more than his daily items, seemingly trying.. to ignore me?

"Are you okay? Like.. are we okay? Is something wrong?"

He looked up, finally acknowledging me again, his eyes still holding a steely expression. Quickly dropping the cold stare, he inhaled deeply running a hand down his face. His eyes were fixed to the floor for a while, like he was hypnotized by the shaggy white carpet.

"Christian? Are-"

"Esther was right." His focus shifted to me. "Julian Howard was right." My chest tightened at the mention of the man's name. "Hell, you were right." My brows furrowed in confusion at what he was getting at. "We shouldn't be together; we need to end this." The words weren't quite sinking in as he started packing everything into the bag I just noticed sitting at the foot of the bed. "I'm leaving tonight to settle some business in LA, so I'll be gone a couple days, Antoni and Dominic will take you to look at some places this week. If you find something you like, put an offer down and I'll take care of it. I would leave you the mansion but I know you're not too fond of how empty it feels on your own. I've set up a monthly transfer to your accou-"

"Stop! I'm not sure I'm getting this, what the hell are you talking about?" I threw the covers to the side, shuffling out of the bed, getting closer to him so I don't mistake the words coming out of his mouth.

"We're done, Alesha." He sounded vexed by the conversation that only just started; almost like he'd already debated it with himself. "If you need more than what I've arranged th-"

"Chris! Shut up for a second." I rest my hand on my hip and closed my eyes, balling my other fist against my forehead, in an attempt to wrap my head around his foolishness. "What are you doi- why are you doing this?" The frustration was now leaking into my voice. "If you need time, I can stay at my apartment, but if this is you making rash decisions over what's happened then just stop for a second and talk to me."

He shoved a piece of clothing into the bag turning back to me with a wild look in his eyes. "Rash?! Can you honestly say you won't resent me if something like this happens again?! Because as much as I try to keep you safe I feel like I'm failing at every turn!" Seeing the way his roar startled me, he soothed his anger and lowered his voice. "You should've left that night. After Dani told you who I was you should've fucking run."

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